Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cryolipolysis Vs Lipo Laser

Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical, FDA approved device for permanent fat reduction by using cryolypolysis to freeze localized areas of fat. 

Lipo Laser is non-invasive. Lipo Laser differs from Cryolipolysis in how the fat is treated. i-lipo machine for sale uses a laser to heat and destroy fat cells.The fat cells are undamaged, but due to the reaction of the laser light on the cell it will empty the contents. The contents consist of Water, Glycerol and free fatty acids. Following a treatment the Glycerol or sugar is rapidly absorbed by the body. The water carries the free fatty acids, through the lymphatic system, through the kidneys and are then passed out of the body in your urine.The heat not only destroys fat but also affects blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves and the overlying skin. 

cryolipolysis machine is less expense and the downtime is zero. The results are moderate. There is no pain or anesthesia, no incision and usually no bruising. The recovery is a bit of soreness, possibly some short term numbness. If you want a dramatic result go with the old fashioned liposuction. If you want easy, less expensive and more moderate results Cryolipolysis is indeed a good choice.

Indeed, both modalities destroy fat cells by their respective mechanisms. However, laser lipo machine for sale, if done correctly, can actually tighten the overlying skin by heating the underside of the dermis. Beware of reducing fat in areas that are already loose as they may become looser. 

In terms of results, body sculpting is best for patients with small areas of localized fat, and those who are within 10 to 20 pounds of their ideal body weight. One treatment of Cryolipolysis will remove about 25% of fat in the treatment area and can be repeated 3-4 months later if desired. Whereas laser liposuction, when done properly, can remove 85-95% of the fat cells in the treatment area in one procedure.

Lipo Laser can be performed on most areas of the body where inch loss is desired. Results can be seen immediately after each treatment. This is not a stand-alone treatment, and actually requires that the guest do at least 30 minutes of exercise after the treatment.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What Is Lipo Laser Fat Removal?

Lipo Laser Fat Removal is a new minimally invasive fat removal technique for those who want an alternative to traditional liposuction surgery. 

The i-lipo machine for sale procedure causes minimal discomfort, bruising and side effects, and is very safe. Many procedures take just one to two hours to carry out and most importantly the treatment is very effective at removing localized unwanted fatty areas that are resistant to dieting or physical exercise.

If you’ve tried diet and exercise but are unwilling or unable to go under the surgeon’s knife then this is the solution for you. If you want to deal with the problem and are looking for an advanced, safe and truly effective solution laser fat removal can work effectively.

The laser slimming machine treatment can be performed on all skin types and body areas where unwanted fat is stored, and you can return to normal activity immediately after treatment.

Lipo Laser Fat Removal uses a low level of visible laser light to stimulate the body’s natural processes that empty the fat stored inside fat cells.

The laser light is gently absorbed into the individual fat cells in the treatment area. This laser lipo machine for sale temporarily opens up pores in the cell wall through which the fat content of the cell can escape. The amazing thing is that this does not affect neighboring structures such as skin, blood vessels, and nerves. What this means to you is that there is minimal bruising and trauma.

When released by the laser the contents of the fat cells are metabolized into energy and permanently removed them from the body. What is left are smaller fat cells - and a thinner, healthier you!

However, Lipo Laser Fat Removal can only be substituted for regular liposuction surgery in small areas. For example, many patients choose to use the laser fat removal treatment for their face. The face is a relatively small part of the human body and i lipo laser machine sale is easy to treat this area with a less invasive procedure. In addition, the laser fat removal procedure is specifically designed to correct small details on the human body. It is perfect for hard to reach areas and small body parts. The laser fat removal treatment allows the patient to experience much less discomfort and a speedy recovery. 

Light exercise post treatment can accelerate the breakdown and removal of fat from the area.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Is Lipo Laser Better Than Traditional Liposuction?

Lipo Laser and Traditional Liposuction are just tools in the armamentarium of the plastic surgeon specializing in body contouring. Traditional and Lipo Laser techniques each have their roles. 

Traditional liposuction is targeted to larger amounts of fat on the body. i lipo laser machine sale Liposuction can remove a substantial amount of fat and can dramatically improve a person's shape and silhouette, especially in the stomach area.In particular, tumescent liposuction is the gold standard by which other fat removal techniques are measured.

Lipo Laser is simply a relatively new technology in which laser heat is applied to the fat, blood vessels, and the undersurface of the skin. The idea is that it can cut down on bruising, perhaps create a more even and symmetrical final result, and tighten the skin.i-lipo machine for sale uses a very small tip to delivery the laser energy. Sometimes that can be advantageous in a small area while other times it can be quite tedious. Also because it tends to be less of a surgical procedure, it can be performed by physicians other than surgeons.

The main difference between laser lipo machine for sale and standard liposuction is the use of the laser to help give more skin tightening. Liposuction is used to removed the excess fat. Certain areas of the body, like between the thighs, has loose skin which may not tighten well on its own. The Lipo laser is used to help stimulate new collagen production, and encourage the skin to become smoother and tighter. Lipo Laser generally costs a lot more for a lot less, and is usually done by non-plastic surgeons. 

Which is better between laser slimming machine and traditional liposuction also depends on what the results the patients want to get. Patients who have had a liposuction and need one or more isolated areas improved in a cost effective and convenient manner. Patients who are younger and more active who desire to avoid the downtime of a traditional liposuction. Patients who seek natural looking results from a local anesthesia procedure. However, if the goal is to remove substantial fat deposits or multiple areas, traditional liposuction may be the better alternative. 

Either Lipo Laser or traditional liposuction can give you excellent results. The critical thing though is that you must be evaluated by someone who understands the strengths and limitations of each type of procedure and be able to understand your anatomy and specific goals. In this way will you give yourself the best chance at an excellent result!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

How Is VASER Liposuction Different From Lipo Laser and Liposuction?

With the amazing number of machines now available to remove your fat, there has also come a equally impressive number of providers marketing themselves as "liposuction experts" , promising that because they use one device or another that you will achieve a superior result.

The VASER uses ultrasound waves to preferentially shake fat cells and cause their rupture while sparing nerves and blood vessels. As such it is associated with less swelling, numbness and bruising.Unlike the laser filaments used in Lipo Laser and the other laser lipo machine for sale devices mentioned above, the VASER probe is blunt and the ultrasound energy it uses is much more specific for fat, so that the risk of injury to the blood vessels and nerves, as well as the muscles and skin are much lower. 

Lipo Laser is the use of laser light under the skin to melt fat with heat (laser light) and stimulate the collagen in the skin and under the skin to shrink. lipo laser equipment can be done with or without traditional liposuction. In the case of various lasers, they literally destroy fat by heating it, the intent being to cause some skin shrinkage at the same time. An additional issue with heat is that it may destroy not only fat but nerves as well, causing more prolonged numbness according to some.

Traditional Liposuction is performed by infusing Tumescent solution in the area, followed by the suctioning out of fat cells with a long thin cannula, thereby removing the fat cells directly. Tumescent liposuction is the gold standard to which all other lipo laser machine for sale techniques must be compared. It has been proven to be safe and effective over many years. It involves the injection of a fluid into the fatty tissue layer that causes blood vessels to shrink and the fat to expand, making it easier to remove and lowering the risk of a complication.

Each has it's uses and indications. No one lipo laser machines for sale technique is better all the time for all people. The right combination of one or more of these various techniques and technologies can used to achieve the optimal result for each patient.

It is very important that you "do your homework" and find a surgeon certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery who has the years of training in liposuction necessary to give you the safe experience and superior outcome you deserve and desire.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What is Ultrasound Fat Cavitation?

Ultrasound Fat Cavitation is a relatively new technique used for fat reduction. This technology is a non-exercise painless way of losing those unwanted inches and can be considered as a treatment alternative to surgical liposuction. 

This ultrasonic cavitation slimming machine reduces fat cells and cellulite by combining Bipolar RF and Tripolar RF technology via a machine.This technique works to reduce fat in your body by converting the fat into a liquid, which is then passed through the body in the form of urine. The process starts with ultrasound waves, which create a bubble in the tissue of the fat cells. The bubble then expands rapidly and compresses, creating a temperature increase and an implosion. With this implosion, the fat cells and cellulite are damaged, which reduces them to a liquid. Once the membranes of these cells are broken down, they can be picked up via the urinary system and expelled from the body. When ultrasound cavitation is followed by a lymphatic drainage the process is faster, as the drainage is very effective at eliminating liquids. It is significantly effective for fat burning, body shaping, skin tightening and cellulite reduction. 

During the procedure you will feel a "tug" close to the treated area due to the vacuum effect used to hold the area in place during the session, and a cold feeling at the beginning of the lipo cavitationprocedure at the vacuum site. People with sensitive skin may feel a warm sensation during treatment, but cavitation are basically pain-free. It causes no damage to skin tissue, or to the capillaries beneath the skin. And the treatment produces visible, long-lasting result.

Ultrasound Cavitation is getting mixed results in the areas that it is implemented. Of course, results vary from person to person. Many health and beauty conscious people are choosing cavitation to address a variety of skin care needs. Clinics and salons use ultrasound fat cavitation to reshape heavy legs, eliminate “orange peel” skin dimpling, reduce inner thigh ripples, target localized fat deposits, and treat skin irregularities. The treatment is relatively pain-free, and it is effective for women and men. 

Ultrasound cavitation can, in fact, avoid the operating room and avoid anesthesia because the procedure is painless and can be done in a medical office. Before beginning ultrasonic cavitation, you should start a low calorie diet and drink plenty of fluids, as fluid is required in elimination of fat from the body.

Monday, February 17, 2014

What's the Best Laser for Skin Resurfacing?

The new fractional lasers are becoming very popular and rightfully so. These methods (Erbium based or CO2 based) offer much quicker healing time and recovery period but with serial treatments are required.

The gold standard laser for skin resurfacing used to be the c02 laser. But because of its aggressiveness, long healing period, and eventual hypo-pigmentation, it is not very mainstream any more. Erbium resurfacing is more gentler and with repeated treatments, you can achieve similar results. At the same time, the old and time tested chemical peels are excellent less expensive way to re-surface your skin. Whatever method you choose, the doctor must know the different types of skins to avoid unnecessary complications.

Ablative co2 laser skin resurfacing came first, gave great results, but fell somewhat out of favor as hyperalimentation occurred a year or so after treatment. Wrinkles, spots, and sun damage still gone, but line of demarcation where treatment stopped, and lighter skin color where treatment was done. 

Ablative erbium laser resurfacing came next, but treated much more superficial layers, so skin healed faster, with less redness, but with less dramatic changes. If the doctor promoted this as "better than CO2" and charged as much, patients were unhappy, but not because the laser had a "problem" other than milder results. Bad doctor "marketing!"

By the time that third-generation combination CO2/erbium-YAG lasers came along about ten years ago, the herd of dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other laser doctors had moved on to the "non-ablative" lasers or therapies such as Thermage, N-lite, Cool-touch, Smoothbeam, Fotofacial, and many others. These all "worked" to varying degrees, but usually with very minimal results. Prices dropped, and so did most of the hype, and "the herd" of doctors that need the "latest and the greatest" moved on to fractional laser resurfacing.

Fractional lasers started with Erbium wavelengths, and treated the skin in tiny polka-dots. Bridges of intact skin were left untreated, which is said to promote faster healing and less down-time (partially true). Actually, less skin treated = less result, which required multiple treatments, which = more procedures, more healing and MORE cumulative downtime. Oh, and the total cost adds up to a tidy sum usually! The results are real, but with superficial layer and polka-dot treatment came mild results. More, give us more!

The next fractional lasers returned to CO2 wavelengths, which penetrate deeper, and still treated skin in tiny polka-dots. Fortunately, unless the energy was turned up too much, or the polka-dot density too tight, hyperalimentation changes were limited, and the results were indeed better. Still only in the fraction of the skin treated, still requiring more than one treatment for results that could approach that of well-performed third-generation combination CO2/Erbium-YAG ablative laser rejuvenation, and still adding up to a tidy sum for only "fractional" results. 

The best one is the one that suits your particular needs and your budget. Consult with a physician who has multiple lasers at his disposal. This is very important because if he only has one laser, he will obviously be very biased towards that particular laser he owns! In order to find the best laser treatment for you, look for a plastic surgeon with significant experience in aesthetic lasers treatments, aesthetic plastic surgery and non-surgical aesthetic enhancement treatments.

The best solution to wrinkles

The best solution to wrinkles depends greatly on where they are located, the severity of the wrinkles, and if there is skin laxity or sagging that accompanies the wrinkles.

Superficial wrinkles and fine lines
In addition to topical skin care with growth factor and antioxidant creams, a variety of non-invasive lasers have been found to be very helpful. These include the co2 fractional laser, Fraxel, Erium laser and the like. Topical skin care takes at least 2 months to show an improvement. Depending on the type of laser, 1-6 treatments may be necessary to achieve the best effect. Topical skin care in addition to lasers works best.

Facial creases and folds
Surgery, such as face-lifts and the many names doctors call it like the“life-style lift” or laser face lift, are all very similar. The more invasive the procedure, the better and longer-lasting the results. Only your dermatologic or cosmetic surgeon can advise you if surgery is necessary or if the use of filling substances, such as Perlane, Sculptra, Fat, Radiesse, Juvederm, ArteFill or Restylane, will be best for you. At times a variety of fillers are used in one session.

Dynamic wrinkles
Dynamic wrinkles increases can be dramatically reduced by Botox. Botox or, when it is approved by the FDA in 2008, Reloxan are the only non-surgical methods for improving dynamic wrinkles. fractional resurfacing may also work but is much more invasive.

Deep wrinkles
Deep wrinkles can be well treated with Lasers, Portrait Plasma or Deep & medium chemical peels. Both fractional co2 laser skin resurfacing and Erium laser work well for deep wrinkles. Portrait? Plasma is effective in reducing the look of fine lines and deep wrinkles. This procedure is FDA approved for the full-face treatment of fine to deep wrinkles, superficial skin lesions and pre-cancerous skin growths. Deep & medium chemical peels provide aggressive treatment for wrinkles and have long-lasting effects on treating deep wrinkles.

The important thing is that none of these treatments will interfere with future procedures if someone decides to do something more permanent. There are many different options and these should be discussed with a board-certified professional.