Monday, April 21, 2014

Which noninvasive procedure is best for belly fat?

When choosing the right procedure is best for belly fat, it is very important to consider one's needs and preferences. Regardless of the kind of procedure chosen, it is very important that achieving a fit, slim and healthy body will require more than any procedure as this would require having a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy diet and regular exercise are one of the healthy ways to lose weight. One can seek the help of a nutritionist and a professional trainer to create or formulate the best weight loss regimen since this approach is highly individualized.

cryolipolysis would be a good start. Cryolipolysis removes fat by lowering the temperature in the problem areas. The underlying fat dissolves over the course of months and the skin tightens. About a 15-20% reduction of fat per area treated can be expected. The best part is that there is no recovery. Cryolipolysis will involve the act of freezing of the fat cells in various parts of the body. Once these unwanted fat cells are frozen, the body will then work to dispose these damaged and frozen fat cells. This cryolipolysis system procedure is considered a spot treatment. Nevertheless, this is not a whole body treatment. This is best for those people who already have a good body shape with some problem areas like underarms and belly fat.

Laser Lipo would involve the utilization of light vacuums and the placement of various objects against the body. This shaping technique would rely on lasers. The laser lipo machines will work to liquefy the fat cells in various areas of the body. Once the fat cells are liquefied, this will be removed via the natural bodily process. Several sessions will be required for this treatment.This non invasive technique is not only ideal for removing fat from different areas of body but has also the ability to tighten the skin after reducing fat cells.

ultrasonic cavitation uses focused ultrasound energy to destry fat tissue in a specific layer that can be mapped out precisely, just as we do with liposuction. Compared to fat-freezing and laser fat removal procedures, the results are more immediate and dramatic and there is absolutely no pain or down-time.

Removal of the fat can be accomplished by several methods. If the pouch is excess skin, nothing but removing the excess surgically will be effective. If it is mostly fat, diet and exercise. External fat removal devices may give modest improvement. If it is laxity of the abdominal wall, again, surgery will be your only option.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What is Lipo Laser Treatment?

Lipo Laser treatment is a new technology and an alternative to liposuction that many are finding helpful and worthwhile. 

Lipo laser is a generalized “whole body” slimming non-invasive low level laser treatment coupled with oral medications, daily minimal water intake requirements. laser lipo machine for sale uses photochemical rather than a thermal or ultrasonic mechanisms to alter the fat cell by making the fat cell membrane more permeable - letting fat out that is absorbed by the body. The characteristics of this diode laser light are such that over a series of treatments, performed every 48hrs, an opening is created in the cell membrane of the fat cells and the in Trigylceride contents of the fat cells are released into the space between the cells where they triglyceride are eliminated safely and effectively by the bodies normal carry protein systems.

lipo laser machine is a good way for patients to lose fat without surgery, without downtime and without pain. However, it does not replace liposuction or other body contouring procedures but does offer an option for those who prefer to avoid invasive procedures.

Lipo Laser works well for three types of patients. The first being a patient that is just beginning to get back into shape. laser lipo machine treatment will maximize the amount of fat lost and accelerate the road to the end results of your efforts. Second would be those patients that never want to have any kind of surgery but would like to try something to reduce fat and inches. Lastly, there are some patients that would consider surgery but want to try everything they can before taking that plunge.

lipolaser can also be combined with other non-invaisve focal reduction techniques such as VelaShape, Thermage, Ultrasonic Cavitation etc to provide slimming and focal contouring without liposuctiont. 

Since there is no pain nor any down time, many patients are now enjoying the results. Some even are going through a 2nd series to get further improvements and some have noticed an improvement in their cellulite which is an added benefit since not much works on cellulite usually.

Make sure that the doctor involved is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon because many non-plastic surgeons get involved in selling these minimalistic procedures that actually offer very little.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Lose Inches In Minutes With The Lipo laser Slimming Machine

Lipo Laser is a safe and effective way to remove excessive fat fast. It's especially effective on problem areas where it takes forever to lose inches. 

Lipo Laser works with a cold laser that mimics a hormone called Epinephrine also known as adrenaline giving it easy access to the fat cells that are usually inaccessible due to bad blood circulation. The i lipo machine for sale lasers break down the contents of the fat cells releasing them into the interstitial space where they are absorbed by your body in a natural and healthy way.

If you think about the way that diets work, when you starve yourself, your body starts absorbing the fat that is stored. The problem with this is that when you start eating normally again your metabolism adapts by packing on the fat, as it goes into "survival mode" just in case it is starved again. This causes you to gain even more weight after these starvation diets end.

laser lipo machine makes the body break down the fat without causing a 'seesaw'' effect with your metabolism, making it easier to maintain the weight that has been lost. 

Laser Lipo helps you lose inches in minutes, reducing fat and sculpting your body without the surgery. The results are visible as soon as the treatment is done after only 30 minutes. This is a non invasive treatment, completely safe and pain free with no down time. 

Sitting immobile and lazy, the fat stored in the adipose tissue in our bodies take the once youthful shapeliness of our bodies and give it odd bulges, folds, and undesirable extensions of once flat areas. You may diet and exercise and try our best to follow all the expert advice that you can, but sometimes problem areas of excess body-fat will stubbornly remain. 

laser lipo machines offer effective, pain-free, rapid treatments that shed inches in single sessions that take no longer than a lunch break. It sounds like a straight-up snake oil lie, but these machines do, in fact, work. This takes liposuction to a whole new level by removing the brutal and injurious "suction" portion of the process. Levels of laser energy that are low enough to keep surrounding tissues intact actually stimulate fat cells to lose their integrity and shape. The result is the release of the stored fats, or triglycerides as they are known. These triglycerides are then metabolized by the body for energy and they are no longer deposited under the skin. The cumulative result of this brief lipo laser machine procedure is a total loss of sub-cutaneous body-fat. Several sessions may be needed to obtain optimal results.

The laser light from the lipo machine is fractionated and focused to induce a process called lipolysis within the adipose, or fat, cells of the tissue being treated. Lipolysis simply means "breaking down fat." Any excess fats freed by the procedure are absorbed by the body naturally and eliminated with no harm to the organs or tissues whatsoever. During a routine laser slimming machine treatment, up to six treatment pads containing the laser diodes are placed over the treatment area, secured in direct contact with the skin using elastic straps. Then two more laser probes are positioned onto the region of the lymphatic nodes closest to the treatment zone. Once all of the pads are in place, you can get comfortable, just enjoy the treatment, bring a book and relax. Once the treatment is over, a quick 15-20 minute cardio session will augment the process and help the process along to the results you require.

Does Cryolipolysis Work Better For Men?

Cryolipolysis is an innovative non-invasive efficient procedure of fat cells destruction by freezing or cooling intended to achieve local reduction of fat deposits in specific places of the body such as abdominal area, waist, back, thighs, and buttocks. The procedure perfectly fits both women and men. However, cryolipolysis machine is more suitable for men. 

Comparing to women, men's cellulite and fat deposit problem is more concentrative. The fat mainly deposits at men's abdomen and shoulders. A man has to be a man, look like masculine. Men don't want a big belly but don't want thin arms or legs either. So if a man with fat problems wants to lose weight and get rid of the out-of-shape cellulite, it is not acceptable to make the man as slim as a skinny woman's shape. Another aspect, men seldom require a smooth and silk body curve. Men just want more muscle, less fat, yet a strong look. Therefore, most male clients only require reducing the fat deposit and cellulite lumps on the abdomen and waist(love handles). They seldom ask for a treatment to achieve a body shape as soft as a woman. And the cryolipolysis cellulite freezing treatment is the exact method to get rid of the fat deposit and cellulite lumps locally. 

Men have a higher metabolism rate. They are more physically active. The frozen fat tissue after cryolipolysis equipment is being removed gradually in the coming 1 to 2 months. Men's physical activities can promote this process, so the men can come to the expecting result even faster. 

Not like the women, men always hate visiting salons and clinics frequently. cryolipolysis slimming machine requires less treatments than others. After a pure cryo lipolysis treatment, the body will take at least 5 weeks to metabolize and remove the frozen fat. It means you don't have to visit the center for cryolipolysis again before the end of this process. So you, being a casher boyfriend, or a superman dad, can have more personal time focusing on other things. 

However, the following suggestions after having a cryolipolysis treatment can help you achieve the weight loss result faster. Take exercises normally to promote your blood circulation and metabolism. It will speed up sweating and improve the fat removal. Have a Lipo Cellulite Vacuum massage therapy.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Benefits Of Cryolipolysis For Fat Removal

Cryolipolysis is the safe, non-invasive way to reduce fat in common trouble areas that tend to be diet and exercise resiant. It is painless, non-invasive, and patient satisfaction is very high.

The cryolipolysis machine was FDA-approved for the use of fat layer reduction in September of 2010.Developed by Harvard scientists, the precisely controlled, FDA-cleared, patented procedure uses a cooling technology that targets subcutaneous fat cells by freezing them to the point of crystallization.

The reason why cryolipolysis works lies in the observation by dermatologists that cold exposure to the skin induces inflammation and destruction of fat cells. Once crystallized, the cells are then eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system in a natural process. cryolipolysis takes advantage of this reaction by inducing cold crystallization of fat cells in a very controlled and targeted manner, whereby the fat cells in the specifically treated area undergo natural cell death. This is why it takes 2 months to see results, but it is also why the procedure is so safe. Cryolipolysis starts the process and your body takes care of the rest. And since fat stem cells are also destroyed, the fat reduction is in most cases, permanent.

There is no damage to healthy tissue or skin cells. Also, because the cryolipolysis slimming machine procedure is non-invasive, there is no need for needles or anesthesia. Patients typically read, work on their laptops, listen to music, or relax during the procedure. Each session lasts one hour and therefore can easily be fit into a lunch break. After treatment, patients typically find it easy to return to everyday activities.

The ultrasound studies have shown that each treatment of a given area reduces the fat by 22%! Treatments are additive so if you do a second treatment 2 months down the line you will see more of a dramatic result! 

Good candidates for this cryolipolysis equipment procedure are those who are no more then 15 lbs from their ideal weight that have stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is an effective non-surgical way to permanently reduce stubborn fat. 

Most patients see a noticeable reduction of fat in the treatment area after one treatment although it make take more than one treatment to realize the full effects. Because the fat cells that are eliminated from Cryolipolysis do not return, the results are lasting as long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained.