Sunday, October 26, 2014

Does HIFU Face Lifting Treatment hurt?

HIFU is one of the most innovative medical device technologies currently available for lifting the face, neck, and brow region.HIFU can be painful, depending on the settings used, the area being treated, the number of lines being laid down, and the pain tolerance of the patient. 
hifu therapy involves penetrating ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production in the deeper dermal and sub-dermal levels, which results in micro injury to that tissue. As the tissue heals, it increases collagen and as the collagen fibers organize and shorten, a tightening effect is seen on the tissue. There can be some discomfort when the ultrasound energy is being applied but it is temporary and a good sign that collagen-building process has begun. 
All areas of the face are not equal in terms of pain sensation. Some areas on the face can be more painful than others in some individuals and the hifu lifting treatment can be delivered to those areas in stages, rather than delivering multiple lines adjacent to each other consecutively. Around the eyes and over any bony prominence tend to be much more intense. The neck region seems to be the area that tolerates the HIFU treatment the best. 
Patients can be treated with a lower energy level and increased number of lines/pulses and the discomfort/pain level is much lower. The second factor related to pain/discomfort during an hifu procedure is the type of skin being treated. Some patients experience more pain than others during the HIFU treatment. Patients with thicker skin or more dense areas will tolerate an HIFU treatment very well. 
Pain medication can be very helpful for some patients. It is not uncommon to experience a “bruised” feeling afterward but in most cases there is no visible effect on the skin as the target tissue is deeper.

Friday, October 24, 2014

How Long To See The Result From HIFU Lifting System

HIFU is a good choice for patients who are looking for a treatment with no down time, no incisions, and only mild sedation. It offers a more lifted, tighter, and firmer skin texture and appearance. 
hifu machine delivers focused ultrasonic energy to two levels in the body - the muscle/SMAS layer and the deep skin(dermis). The ultrasonic energy creates several small tiny injuries at both of these levels. Tiny thermal injuries cause a healing and repair response, which results in additional collagen growth over the 3-4 months after the treatment. Again, these thermal injury points cause your body to begin a healing and restorative process that builds additional collagen, therefore tightening and firming the skin.
The regenerative process is initiated immediately, but the full effects of the hifu lifting treatment gradually occur over the next 2-3 months, with the ultimate results taking shape around 3-6 months. It is common to see some early changes in the first several weeks due to the thermal effect of the treatment. 
Most patients only need one treatment to achieve their anticipated results, regardless of their chosen treatment area. While hifu skin tightening is not an effective treatment for severe facial aging and is not meant to replace more invasive procedures like brow lift surgery, it is a viable option for those who are not ready for surgery or whose signs of aging are not as advanced.
HIFU treatments are ideal for patients with mild to moderate signs of aging but can be of some benefit to all ages. There are some patients who would be more ideally treated by a surgical rejuvenation procedure; however, not all patients desire to have surgery or not able to accommodate the down-time associated with surgery. 
One can expect about a 20% improvement for sagging and loose skin with hifu procedure. However, you have to be the right candidate. Non-invasive HIFU lifting devices will not replace surgical face lifts if that is what you need.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What Does Laser Hair Removal Feel Like?

Laser hair removal is the fastest, most cost-efficient method of permanent hair reduction. In most cases, laser hair removal slows hair regrowth, but it takes several treatments to provide an extended "hair-free" period. 
laser hair removal technology has been in use for decades and it is generally considered permanent. Any hairs left after treatment should be thin and sparse. Factors that determine the effectiveness of treatment include genetics, the area to be treated, the frequency of treatments, the laser, and the skill of the operator.
Because best laser hair removal lasers target pigment, the more contrast there is between your hair and skin, the better the laser is able to focus its energy on your hair without being absorbed into the surrounding skin, making the procedure less uncomfortable for people with dark hair/light skin. 
Laser hair removal causes discomfort because of the heat that is produced. The discomfort will be the worst the first time you are treated because you have the most hair at that time. lazer hair removal requires multiple sessions spaced out over time to work properly, and with each session you will have less hair, so the discomfort level goes down. 
The laser experience is significantly less painful than waxing. Many people are able to tolerate the pain just fine without doing anything special. Others have a higher pain tolerance (or thicker hair, thinner skin, etc.) 
The feeling like a rubber band popping against their skin. Some treatment centers offer cooling jets attached to the laser, cooling gels, or topical anesthesia. Also most modern best laser hair removal machines for sale employ a cooling mechanism to cool the area immediately after each pulse. 
You can minimize the amount of pain by making sure you shave right before your treatment. Any stubble will cause you more pain than if the skin is closely shaved. This is because the stubble is also heated up by the laser, and you feel it more because it is in contact with the top surface of your skin. 
Normal side effects of laser hair removal include itching during treatment and redness or irritation for up to 3 days. More rare side effects are crusting from ingrown hairs, bruising, or temporary pigment change. Rare side effects are usually caused by inexperienced or inattentive technicians.

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Advantages Of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal works by sending a targeted pulse laser light directly into your hair follicle. The light is absorbed by the melanin (or pigment) in your hair follicle and converted into heat, which permanently disables your hair follicles from growing a new hair. The darker the hair, the better able the laser will be concentrated in the hair shaft, destroying it. 
laser hair removal provides permanent hair reduction. During the initial treatment period laser hair removal treatments should occur every 6-10 weeks for 6-10 appointments in order to target all of the hair follicles. By the end of 6-10 sessions clients will find that hair is considerably reduced and any hair that does grow back is extremely fine. 
Some people compare lazer hair removal to being less painful than waxing, but of course this will vary for different people. It has also been compared to the feeling of a flicked rubber band. Treatments are performed without sedation however topical aesthetics can be purchased from any pharmacy and applied if required. 
Laser hair removal definitely provides a medium- and long-term time savings. You will have to go in once every two weeks or month for a few laser hair removal sessions, but after the initial course biannual upkeep sessions are usually all that is needed for permanent hair removal. The cost will depend on the laser clinic you choose and where you live, but be wary of clinics offering heavily discounted laser hair removal services, as unskilled operators and inappropriate use of equipment could leave you with an unsatisfactory outcome, or even worse burns and pigmentation. 
Laser hair removal is great for providing smooth, silky skin and eliminating ingrown hairs. Take care to stay out of the sun before and after your treatment to avoid pigmentation of the skin. Laser hair removal won't have any negative effects on the skin. 
laser hairremoval requires between at least six and eight sessions for best results – a permanent reduction of approximately 90-99% of your unwanted hair. This is because hairs grow in three phases and can only be permanently disabled in the first phase, the active growing phase. Sessions are held every four to six weeks so that the laser technician can catch hairs in the first phase of growth. 
Eventually the results will be permanent, but it often requires a few visits to get to that point. Laser hair removal works by destroying the hair's papilla, which is the gland-like structure beneath the skin which controls hair growth.

Is It Safe to Laser the Bikini Area?

Laser hair Removal on the bikini area for men and women CAN be safe and less time consuming. It is safe and very common place to have laser hair removal in the bikini area. 
The area is not very large so numbing cream can be safely applied although there is a risk, rarely, of allergic reactions to any type of cream. There is a risk though, in all patients undergoing bikini laser hair removal of hyperpigmentation (darkening) which is usually temporary but can take months to fade and hypopigmentation or lightening that can be permanent. Depending on your skin type and color, the laser energy settings may be modified to minimize this risk. Test spots can be done firs to see what the best settings for your skin are. 
It is perfectly safe but the Bikini Area requires many more laser hair removal bikini treatments than most other areas. The reason for this is that all hair grows in cycles, with a percentage of hair being in a dormant state at any given time. The bikini region has the highest rate of dormancy at 70% meaning that at any given time, 70% of the hair in that region is dormant and will not respond to the laser. This does not mean that it can not be done, or can not be done safely, but before you start this, you need to understand that you will likely require as many as 10 - 15 treatments for complete removal. 
It is okay to use numbing cream at the brazilian bikini laser hair removal treatment site before the procedure to minimize pain if you are concerned. Just be sure it is thoroughly removed before the procedure. This is also the region with the most coarse hair on the human body making it harder to treat. 
It is best to avoid the sun immediately before and after treatment, however.You should consult your dermatologist and also get the treatment done by the expert and skilled physician who knows about the right laser tool as per your skin tone and hair color.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Is Velashape Effective For Cellulite Reduction

If you’re looking for a non-invasive procedure that will shape and slim problem areas like the buttocks, thighs, love handles and abdomen and combat unsightly cellulite and fat deposits, Velashape may be your choice. 
This non-surgical, non-invasive velashape treatment for cellulite has three components, which together have been shown to be effective in tightening and smoothing skin: radiofrequency energy (RF), infrared light energy, and mechanical vacuum massage.
Heat generated by Velashape shrinks the overinflated fat cells that cause cellulite, creating a smoother appearance and contouring the body’s problem areas like the buttocks, abdomen, hips and thighs. Those are the cells, of course, that form cellulite, so as they shrink, so do the unwanted pockets of cellulite, improving the skin’s contour. While Velashape’s heat works on reducing the fat cells, the device’s mechanical rollers manipulate and smooth out the skin. In addition to minimizing cellulite dimpling, VelaShape reduces the circumference of the treated thighs-by an average of about an inch, according to studies.
Velashape is a non-surgical treatment that requires absolutely no downtime so you can resume your normal daily activities, including exercise, immediately. Most clients find velashape treatments quite comfortable, like a warm deep tissue massage, and report no side effects aside from some minor soreness a day or two after the procedure, similar to the soreness one feels after exercise. 
Velashape even works on smaller areas like your knees and arms, making it one of the most versatile cellulite-reducing procedures on the market and an ideal solution for treating problem areas that may be resistant to other treatment options.
Cellulite is a very common condition, especially among women. Women are basically genetically and hormonally predisposed to cellulite. Smoking makes it worse. Lack of exercise and poor diet (fatty food and little drinking) may enhance the phenomenon.For many people, no matter how healthy they are, or how often and how intensely they exercise, they are unable to reduce or eliminate the appearance of cellulite. 
The Nurnberger-Muller cellulite classification scale:
Stage 1 - no dimpling while the patient is standing or lying down, but the pinch test reveals the "orange peel" appearance.
Stage 2 - "orange peel" dimpling appears spontaneously when standing up, but not when lying down.
Stage 3 - "orange peel" dimpling appears spontaneously both when standing up and lying down.
The ideal vela shape patient is someone with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of less than 30 who falls under Cellulite Classification Levels 1 and 2. 
Of course, all cellulite treatments offer only a temporary solution. After completing a series of VelaShape treatments it depends how determined you are to maintain the results. Changing your diet, exercising regularly, and drinking plenty of water can help your results last longer. It is recommended to have an individual treatment once every 3 months for maintenance. If you are looking for more permanent results, you should consider a cellulite Thermage treatment or surgery.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Get Rid Of Cellulite With Velashape Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite, sagging skin and loose skin after weight loss surgery may be taking their toll on your body confidence, but there are several cellulite and body shaping treatments available to help you achieve your dream figure. The Velashape is designed to target cellulite, smooth and tone the body tissues, and can also tighten the skin. 
The skin's connective tissue surrounds fat cells, which are arranged in chambers. The margins of these chambers contain septa. Over time, the fat cells increase in size and number. This phenomenon together with accumulation of localized edema, push the skin's surface between the septae in an upward direction. This is what creates the lumpy and dimpled skin appearance, also known as the 'cottage cheese' appearance, associated with cellulite.
vela shape is a skin tightening and smoothing procedure and works to create a contoured appearance. VelaShape uses a combination of Bi-polar Radiofrequency (RF), Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage to deploy targeted heat to adipose tissue. The system uses laser diodes to heat the deeper layers of tissue breaking down the fat and cellulite The bi-polar radio frequency (RF) accurately targets the fat and cellulite- transmitting energy pulses through the skin into the fat. These three elements can dramatically improve the look and feel of both the deep and superficial skin layers by rejuvenating skin, reducing cellulite and contouring the body in a safe, effective, and non-invasive way.
The heated treatment works to smooth the skin’s surface and also targets cellulite. The effects of the vacuum and mechanical massage, combined with the delivery of heat energy, result in the metabolism of stored body fat and an increase in lymphatic drainage.
Clinical studies showed a circumferential reduction of the thighs of at least 1 centimeter in 85% of all treated areas. Patients typically undergo a series of velashape treatments and must maintain a healthy diet and exercise program in order to see results.
As any non-invasive procedure VelaShape offers a temporary solution, with results promised to last between 6 to 12 months. However, for the longevity of the results, maintenance treatments are needed once every 4 to 6 weeks.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Velashape vs Lipo Laser for Fat Reduction

For many people with stubborn fat, a surgical procedure has traditionally been the method of choice after diet and exercise have failed. As with any surgery, liposuction carries risks and a significant recovery period, prompting many to request a non-surgical alternative. Now, there are several machines designed to help patients lose fat and they often use very different modalities. VelaShape and Lipo Laser are two of the most popular choices.
Velashape combines Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF), Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage to shrink fat cells, and in turn shrink the cellulite and produce smoother and tighter looking skin. Cellulite is not a product of weight. Whether over weight or extremely fit, your body has cellulite. Velashape is the only FDA approved method that targets cellulite and produces circumferential shrinking. Read more information about our Velashape machine.
lipo laser on the other hand is a much different device. Lipo Laser uses low level lasers that target fat cells and breaks them down into their smallest components. These components are re-absorbed by the body through the blood stream where a little post-procedure exercise helps burn it off. Also FDA approved, the results of Lipo Laser are seen immediately and with just a few short treatments you will see significant fat loss. Our new Lipo Laser slimming machine is on sale now. 
Both devices require multiple treatments. For Lipo Laser, one series of treatments is considered 6 visits over the course of 2 weeks, but many physicians recommend 2 series. Each visit takes about 40 minutes and results are seen around 2 weeks after treatment. vela shape on the other hand typically takes around 4 sessions to see results. Treatments are about 30 minutes each.
Lipo Laser is not really meant for cellulite, but Velashape is.
It's hard to say which treatment is better because it truly depends on the patient's desired outcome. If you want to see some inch reduction all over, than lipo laser machine may be your better option, though many patients report that results are minimal. VelaShape may be a bit more predictable and patients enjoy the reduction in appearance of cellulite as well.
Whatever procedure you choose, it's most important to have reasonable expectations going in. Neither is recommended as a weight loss procedure and those wanting more dramatic results should turn to surgical alternatives.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

VelaShape vs. Endermology

Endermologie relies on a system of rollers and it is mainly a mechanical system to reduce cellulite and intercellular swelling. It is one of the oldest technique available for cellulite reduction. Velashape is FDA approved for both cellulite reduction as well as circumferential reduction. Both of these non-invasive procedures can help to tighten and tone up the skin and tissues to give you a more attractive, shapely silhouette. But which one is better? Here's a close look at the key benefits of both VelaShape and Endermologie for body contouring.
Endermologie machines developed by LPG represent the oldest generation of massagers for cellulite and fat reduction. The French weight loss machine Endermologie uses a special two-roller vacuum head to mechanically roll the skin and stimulate skin cells. It increases blood circulation to problem areas, releases toxins and eliminates fatty deposits. 
The Endermologie treatment promotes lymphatic drainage, shrinks fat cells and enforces production of collagen and elastin resulting in healthier looking skin. The treatment cycle usually involves two sessions per week for 4-6 weeks followed by 6-8 weeks of 1 session, and finally, once monthly sessions for maintenance. 
Best known as Kim Kardashian‘s treatment of choice for cellulite, velashape uses rollers and suction to massage the deeper layers of skin and fat just like Endermologie. velashape treatment relies on three components: a vacum and mechanical systems, a radio frequency energy delivery and an infrared light. The latter two help to deliver energy to the sub dermis and to the fat. This is the main advantage over other techniques as it will tighten the skin and reduce the circumference of some areas. Velashape’s treatment cycle is much shorter – 4 to 6 weekly treatments followed by monthly maintenance sessions.
Both vela shape and Endermologie offer a number of benefits for those who want to tighten and tone up the skin after surgery, or just reduce the appearance of cellulite. The difference between the two is that Endermology works with deep tissue massage and Velashape uses deep tissue massage plus infrared plus radio frequency. 
Therefore, velashape results (compared to Endermology) can be obtained faster with fewer treatments. On the other hand, for certain patients with particular medical conditions, Endermology may be a better option for them. Endermologie also is the cheapest cellulite treatment for a series.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Freckles With Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Freckles are harmless dark spots that appear on the surface of the skin due to sun exposure. Among the many treatment options, the laser treatments are the most effective and have longer lasting effects. 
However, prior to getting the freckles removed, you need to get these checked by a dermatologist, to make sure they are freckles not other manifestations of skin cancer or skin diseases. There are multiple laser skin resurfacing treatments available, and these will remove the melanin pigment that causes freckles. 
In this procedure, laser is used for burning the blood vessels underneath the freckles to remove them or lighten their appearance significantly. Laser therapy does not lead to any serious side effects, but can cause temporary redness, swelling and bruising after the procedure.
Fraxel is an excellent laser that helps patients with freckles, sun damage, wrinkles and mild to moderate skin damage. These techniques employ laser beams and non ablative co2 fractional laser to resurface the skin and reduce the appearance of freckles. The treatment will target small areas of the skin at a time. Collagen production will also be activated, so not only will the freckles be removed, but the skin will also get a fresher and younger appearance.
Fractional co2 laser resurfacing is similar to Fraxel and will eliminate freckles and other scars or age spots, but will also reduce wrinkles.
intense pulsed light (IPL) will project brief light pulses into the surface and deeper skin levels, improving the look of the skin and also removing freckles. The treatment administers heat, which will activate the collagen production and reduce wrinkling.
Ablative lasers remove the superficial layers of skin, so the freckles will also be removed. There are 2 types of ablative lasers: CO2 Lasers and erbium laser resurfacing. However, the ablative lasers are aggressive and the recovery time can be over 1 month, so these methods are rarely chosen for freckles.
Laser treatment can remove your freckles permanently. So if you have tried many different methods before and your freckles are stubborn and keep coming back, laser freckle removal may be just right for you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What Is Velashape Non-invasive Treatment?

Velashape is a non-invasive laser procedure that uses Radiofrequency and Infrared Light Energy to shrink fat cells and tighten the skin. It is the only FDA cleared device that effectively and safely contours, shapes and slims the body by reducing cellulite and firming problem areas within 4 treatments. 
Velashape combines vacuum and tissue manipulation to modify deeper fat layers and associated connective tissues to reveal a smoother and tighter figure. It utilizes three modalities to smoothen and tighten the skin which are deep tissue massage, infrared and radio-frequency.
Most commonly used on the buttocks, thighs, arms, and abdomen, clinical trials illustrate circumferential reduction in these areas ranging between 0.5 to 3 inches. Patients commonly see improvement after their first treatment, with skin surface of treated areas feeling smoother, firmer, and tighter, and cellulite reduction most apparent 6 to 8 weeks later.
velashape cellulite treatments are not permanent--there is, in fact, no permanent cellulite reduction treatment. VelaShape treatments are meant to be long-lasting (3-4 months) and maintainable. Complete the initial series of treatments to get great results, but plan to do maintenance treatments to keep those results. You can figure about 1-2 maintenance treatments every 2-3 months will be needed to maintain your results.
Potential side effects from velashape cellulite treatment include bruising, mild redness on the skin and the rare cases of skin crusting from the electrodes hitting the skin. And if you get a burn, there's a chance of infection which can lead to scarring. That isn't very common and it can be prevented by lowering the level of the energy delivered to the skin. The redness and swelling after the treatment is normal and it usually lasts for a couple of hours.Velashape is very safe and as with anything, having your treatment done by experienced providers will minimize your risk. 
After completing a series of vela shape treatments it depends how determined you are to maintain the results. It is recommended to have an individual treatment once every 3 months for maintenance. For best results, it is recommended that periodic maintenance treatments be continued, with skin quality changes and circumferential reduction lasting longer when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. If you are looking for more permanent results, you should consider a cellulite Thermage treatment (whose results last for up to 18 months) or surgery.

Monday, October 6, 2014

How To Get the best results with Velashape

Over the years, there have been various technology and medical devices that have attempted to deliver consistent body contouring. VelaShape is the first device to receive formal FDA approval for cellulite reduction and body contouring without surgery. It can be used to get rid of cellulite on most areas of the body, including the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
The velashape cellulite treatment boosts circulation and lymphatic drainage and safely delivers heat into fatty tissue to target loose or dimpled skin and firm problem areas.
The principles behind Velashape are based on radio frequency, infrared light, vacuum and mechanical massage. The treatment boosts circulation and lymphatic drainage and safely delivers heat into fatty tissue to target loose or dimpled skin and firm problem areas. Using all those offers some of the best response thus far. VelaShape is a better option for those who have lost a significant amount of weight (from liposuction, diet, exercising, etc.) and want to target cellulite and tone stretched skin. 
Unfortunately no system can promise a cellulite cure and the popular treatments for the most part promise contouring and some circumferential reduction over cellulite reduction.
vela shape typically has a 6 session "effectiveness curve". One VelaShape session lasts 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area. Anything less than that number and you may not see the benefits. Velashape is cumulative in its process, so each treatment session will spur its own level of collagen tightening and new tighter collagen formation.
For best benefits, a diet strong in fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended. Since the tissue manipulation with velashape cellulite treatment will mobilize entrapped fluids, assisting the process of oxygen exchange within the cells can only help get better results. Also, higher fluid intake (water preferred) and a refrain from high sodium foods, alcohol and caffeine will add to the positive end results. Of course exercise in the form or walking or swimming will help both long and short term.
Opt for a bare minimum of 6 sessions, with a recommendation of 8. You'll need maintenance treatments later on as well.

3 Non Invasive Ways For Body Sculpting

While healthy weight loss should always incorporate healthy dietary choices, portion control, and regular exercise, now non-surgical procedures are available which can help zap the fat, especially in some trouble spots such as the tummy or thighs that can defy even the most stringent diet and exercise regimen. 
The most popular 3 non invasive ways for body sculpting are to melt away the fat with Lipo Laser, freeze away the fat with Cryolipolysis or blast away the fat with high intensity focused ultrasound.
Melt away the fat with Lipo Laser
lipo laser machine works by disrupting fat cell membrane so that the fatty material stored in them collapses or melts and is absorbed into the body. The patient simply relaxes during the procedure, and there is no need for anesthesia, gels, creams or numbing agents. A treatment package includes six treatments performed over two weeks in a doctor’s office. The procedure removed from 1 to 1.5 inches from each area treated, including the waist, hips and thighs. 
Freezes away the fat with Cryolipolysis
Commonly known as coolsculpting, cryolipolysis employs a cooling suction device to target the area of fat. The cold temperature, which is actually above the freezing point, destroys fat cells beneath the skin. The application of cold causes a numbing sensation and some people experience redness, mild pain and bruising for a few days after the procedure. The results take from two to four months to appear as the damaged fat cells slowly dissolve. Most areas such as the tummy, thighs, or hips, require two to three treatments for the best results, which on average is a 20% reduction of fat. 
Blast away the fat with High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound 
high intensity focused ultrasound hifu Technology is used to transform energy into heat in order to blast away fat cells. High-intensity focused ultrasound energy is used to destroy the targeted fat, by thermal ablation, without harming the surrounding skin. There is no preparation required and no anesthesia necessary. The patient lies comfortably while the ultrasound device targets the area to be treated. The results of about a one-inch reduction per session are not immediately visible, usually becoming apparent approximately two to three months after the procedure. 
Although these methods are not intended for extreme levels of weight loss for people who are overweight or obese, they have proved successful for people who are not overweight, by decreasing fat cells in targeted areas, which have failed to respond to diet and exercise.