Thursday, May 29, 2014

Can Cryolipolysis Achieve The Results Similar To Liposuction?

 Cryolipolysis is an nonsurgical alternative to liposuction. Cryolipolysis fat freezing can achieve the results similar to liposuction, but to get comparable results, it takes careful treatment planning, a skilled practitioner and multiple sessions. 
cryolipolysis fat freeze is a treatment that originated after researchers fully understood what happens when humans get frostbite: fat cells freeze before skin freezes. Cryolipolysis works like frostbite; it freezes fat, leaving the overlying skin intact. A section of your skin is inserted into a freezing device for about an hour, resulting in the disappearance of some fat cells.
cryolipolysis is effective in reducing subcutaneous (just beneath the skin) fat volume. During a Cryolipolysis session, a molded cup is placed over the stomach, love handles or other fleshy accessible area and heavy-duty suction pulls the fat bulge inside Cryolipolysis paddles where it is chilled.
Some of the fat cells in the cooled area are destroyed and ultimately disposed of by the liver. As with the cryolipolysis system, there is little risk of skin injury and no change in blood levels of fats. The number of treatments needed vary, according to the amount of excess fat and the skill of the practitioner.
The ideal patients for Cryolipolysis have fat that can be pinched and drawn into the paddles. Once the fat is secured inside the cryolipolysis machine, it is cooled down to the point where it is broken down. A session takes less than an hour and no anesthesia is needed. Once an area has been treated the next area can be started.
Results take from two to four months to appear and some people experience redness, mild pain and bruising for a few days afterward. You can generally expect a 20 percent fat reduction but this may take a number of treatments.

Freeze Your Fat Cells Away With Cryo Lipo

Cryo Lipo is a safer alternative to liposuction which involves cooling fat in pockets to remove resistant fat from the body by natural methods. The goal of Cryo lipo is to reshape the body and improve bulges of resistant fat. 
cryo lipo procedure is to freeze fat cells into crystals which causes the fat cell to be destroyed .This destroyed fat cell is then slowly metabolized by natural pathways of the body.One or two suction and cooling heads (independently controlled) with large surface areas are placed on the areas to be treated. The Cryolipo cooling heads generate a vacuum that temporarily decreases blood flow to the treated area, immobilizing the fat tissue, and isolating the treated area from surrounding tissue.
The initial feeling when the cool sculpting heads is applied is that the skin is being pulled intensely into a vacuum. The cooling process then begins which might sting or feel uncomfortable for the first 10 minutes. Thereafter the area feels cold and numb. The procedure takes one to three hours depending on the amount of areas being treated. When the applicator is removed, the treated fat feels cold and hard to the touch. The therapist then does a manual massage of the treated area which quickly reduces the hardened effect.
Several days after the cryolipolysis procedure, the cooled fat cells begin a process called "apoptosis" and begin to shrink. These damaged fat cells are slowly metabolized over several months by our bodies and removed through the liver. Larger areas of fat may require more invasive treatments such as tummy tuck or traditional liposuction.
The lower abdomen, the flanks, love handles, saddle bags, bra bulges, back fat or flabby knees. cryolipolysis fat freeze is not a procedure for weight loss or for people who are obese. The best candidate is someone who is in relatively good shape, but has modest areas of fat bulges that they'd like removed such as a muffin top. It is not an alternative to a healthy diet or lifestyle. It works best for people who have isolated pockets of resistant fat.
Temporary side effects include redness, minor bruising, cramping, tingling or numbness in the treatment area. There is no downtime and patients can resume their normal routine the same day.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

CoolSculpting Vs Strawberry Lipo Laser

In recent years, new non-invasive techniques have been invented to help individuals reduce unwanted fat. Two of the most popular options are Strawberry Lipo Laser and Coolsculpting. While they are different procedures, they both aim to get rid of fat that’s difficult for many people to banish on their own. 

Strawberry i-lipo machine for sale is a technique that involves the use of lasers to break down triglycerides, free fatty acids, and glycerol inside of fat cells in your body. While these fats don’t leave your body right away like they would in a typical liposuction procedure, they are broken down, and your body can and will expel them through vigorous exercise over a relatively short period of time. 

Strawberry i lipo machine for sale procedure places laser pads on the body where the fat is being targeted. The whole procedure is done over eight visits and there are no reports of pain or discomfort with Lipo Laser. The laser pads don’t leave any marks, burns, or scars like traditional liposuction. That’s one of the main reasons it’s become so popular in the last few years.

One potential problem for many people with Lipo Laser is that it can really only help to remove fat from relatively small areas of the body because of the treatment pads. While long-term treatments can be done, the process is slow, and it may take months before results are noticeable if you have a lot of fat to lose. Lipo Laser is often used by people who want to lose a few pounds after dieting or are simply looking tone up.

i lipo machine is completely non-invasive and totally pain free. It’s also done in eight relatively short sessions. Some people get i-Lipo in the morning and end up at work by the afternoon.

Coolsculpting, like Lipo Laser, is a non-invasive procedure that targets and helps remove excess fat on the body. However, Coolsculpting freezes the fat cells in the body so they can be expelled through vigorous exercise.

coolsculpting is a completely unique procedure which uses suction to draw areas of fat from the body between two cooling panels. The cooling panels then freeze the fat cells in the body.

During Coolsculpting, the patient won’t feel much of anything and all reports are that it is a completely pain free process. Patients are fully awake during the process and some offices provide something for patients to do, like watch a movie or read a magazine. Coolsculpting doesn’t leave any marks on the body or damage the skin.

Unlike Lipo Laser, cool sculpting is ideal for targeting large amounts of body fat. In fact, the procedure is somewhat difficult to administer when only a small amount of fat is trying to be removed, because of the suction and freezing process. That generally means that people undergoing Coolsculpting have a considerable amount of excess fat to lose, often in a variety of areas over the body. It is not particularly beneficial and not commonly recommended for people just looking to tone up or get rid of that last five pounds.

Coolsculpting generally only requires two sessions to see noticeable results. While the individual sessions may be longer than Lipo Laser, many people find two longer sessions more convenient than a series of shorter ones.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Instant Fat Loss with Ultrasound Cavitation

Ultrasound Cavitation is body sculpting with no anesthesia, no scars, no discomfort, no down-time and presents a pain-free alternative to liposuction. The result is instant loss of fat cells.

ultrasonic cavitation is used to break down your fat cells releasing the fat content inside. Cavitation is a natural phenomenon based on low frequency ultrasound. Ultrasonic cavitation technology enables concentrated ultrasound energy to be directed only at localized treatment areas, and is thus capable of selectively disrupting the subcutaneous fat cells through thousands of microscopic implosions impacting the fat cell membranes. As the membranes of fat cells do not have the structural capacity to withstand the vibrations, the effect of ultrasound cavitation easily breaks them, while sparing the vascular, nervous and muscular tissue. The result is instant fat loss.

The treatment does not require anesthesia. Most of the clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable. There may be, however, a slight discomfort due to the specific noise spreading inside the body, but it poses no harm and disappears soon. Clients may also experience a little warmth during the treatment. If it turns burning hot, immediately request some extra cavitation ultrasound gel to be applied.

There is a slight possibility of mild side effects such as transient redness, excessive thirst, and nausea immediately after the treatment which always resolves by drinking water. They are all short-term effects that disappear in few hours to few days. Even though the studies have proven the treatment safe, the cavitation is not be used in clients with an acute illness, comprised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, pace makers, or during pregnancy.

The fat cavitation treatment yields immediate and long lasting results. Most of the clients experience 2 to 10 cm of circumference reduction after a single session with increasing results after each treatment. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. The treatment does not necessarily result in overall weight loss, but results in improved shape & contour and size reduction in the treatment area.

It is important to drink plenty of water before and after the treatment, and exercise or a brisk walk daily for at least three days after the treatment is recommended as elimination of the fat continues through the lymphatic System for 72hrs. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

What Is The Side Effect of Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is FDA-approved and one of the safest procedures available, especially among fat reduction procedures. The side effects of Cryolipolysis are minus. Some patients can get some bruising. Other temporary complaints include numbness in the skin treated and ache in the area of treatment. These are temporary. Cryolipolysis does not cause long-term nerve damage.

With standard settings, there should be little if any bruising or pain. Sometimes the vacuum settings are increased in thinner individuals to get proper exposure of the treatment area to the cold applicator. The higher suction could increase the chance of bruising, though it is still usually minimal and limited. The temperature is currently not altered in the current model of the cryolipolysis machine

Cryolipolysis is very well tolerated during and after the procedure. The procedure may be slightly uncomfortable during the first few minutes of treatment, but it is more of an odd pulling and cold discomfort than pain and gradually turns into a barely noticeable numbness. This sensation goes down quickly. Once the area is cooled, cryolipolysis is a painless procedure that takes one hour. The larger hand piece is a bit more uncomfortable than the smaller hand piece. Because the larger handpiece has more suction, it may be slightly more painful at the beginning of the treatment than the small one, but subsides in 5-10 minutes. 

The overall discomfort does depend on the amount of tissue stretch that accompanies the suction of your tissue into the cryolipolysis slimming machine probe. The more tissue is pulled into the probe, the greater the overall initial discomfort and chance for post-procedural discomfort. This is one of the reasons the abdomen may be more sensitive. 

Immediately after the procedure, the treated area may have mild to moderate tingling, numbness, and soreness. There are not any significant risks or complications in properly selected patients. There can be minimal bruising after the cryo lipo treatment. There is temporary numbness of the area treated which may last up to two weeks, but always resolves. Mild bruising is sometimes seen, but is uncommon. The soreness may last for 2-3 days and feels like the muscle soreness you get after a round of intense exercise. The tingling and numbness feels just like the sensation your skin has after intense cold exposure. It lessens over time and is usually limited to 2-3 weeks. 

Some skin sensitivity or numbness can occur and also normally resolve on its own in several weeks to a coupe of months. There usually is slight swelling. Very rarely is there exquisite pain for a few weeks after that can be controlled with medication usually. There is no guarantee of success but the average patient loses 20% of fat volume seen in four months after the treatment. A more thorough discussion can be rendered during your consultation with your physician as the above list is not complete.