Thursday, May 29, 2014

Freeze Your Fat Cells Away With Cryo Lipo

Cryo Lipo is a safer alternative to liposuction which involves cooling fat in pockets to remove resistant fat from the body by natural methods. The goal of Cryo lipo is to reshape the body and improve bulges of resistant fat. 
cryo lipo procedure is to freeze fat cells into crystals which causes the fat cell to be destroyed .This destroyed fat cell is then slowly metabolized by natural pathways of the body.One or two suction and cooling heads (independently controlled) with large surface areas are placed on the areas to be treated. The Cryolipo cooling heads generate a vacuum that temporarily decreases blood flow to the treated area, immobilizing the fat tissue, and isolating the treated area from surrounding tissue.
The initial feeling when the cool sculpting heads is applied is that the skin is being pulled intensely into a vacuum. The cooling process then begins which might sting or feel uncomfortable for the first 10 minutes. Thereafter the area feels cold and numb. The procedure takes one to three hours depending on the amount of areas being treated. When the applicator is removed, the treated fat feels cold and hard to the touch. The therapist then does a manual massage of the treated area which quickly reduces the hardened effect.
Several days after the cryolipolysis procedure, the cooled fat cells begin a process called "apoptosis" and begin to shrink. These damaged fat cells are slowly metabolized over several months by our bodies and removed through the liver. Larger areas of fat may require more invasive treatments such as tummy tuck or traditional liposuction.
The lower abdomen, the flanks, love handles, saddle bags, bra bulges, back fat or flabby knees. cryolipolysis fat freeze is not a procedure for weight loss or for people who are obese. The best candidate is someone who is in relatively good shape, but has modest areas of fat bulges that they'd like removed such as a muffin top. It is not an alternative to a healthy diet or lifestyle. It works best for people who have isolated pockets of resistant fat.
Temporary side effects include redness, minor bruising, cramping, tingling or numbness in the treatment area. There is no downtime and patients can resume their normal routine the same day.

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