Monday, June 30, 2014

Is Smart Lipo The Same As Laser Lipo?

Laser lipo is an abbreviation for Laser Lipolysis. Laser Lipolysis or laser body contouring is a technique of treating fatty deposits under the skin using a laser. 
The principle of lipo laser is the same as with lasers used on the surface of the skin. The laser passes via a small fiberoptic wire about 1 mm wide and, in essence, burns the fatty tissues. It can also be used on the undersurface of the skin to tighten it by stimulating collagen formation. 
lipolaser permanently destroys fat cells, while the heating of the skin from the undersurface can assist in tightening of the skin. Suctioning of the melted fat is then performed. This is a procedure that can safely be performed in the office under local anesthesia in modest quantities.
There are several systems out there, like Smartlipo, Coolipo, LipoTherme and others. Some of them use one laser frequency, others use 2 or three. Some of them claim better results then others. We have several machines and I personally do not see a great deal of difference between them. The results are more dependent on technique of the surgeon then on machine itself. 
Lipo Laser is the more general term of the lipo laser machine that utilizes a small laser to liquefy the fat cells an area and drain them away. Smartlipo is the name brand of cynosure, who is the leader in the area.
SmartLipo is the most well recognized named nationally for laser lipo.This technology was developed by Cynosure Corp. Smartlipo Triplex is the newest generation of Smartlipo which allows the surgeon to choose between three different laser energies to help disrupt, dissolve, and dislodge fat before it is removed. Smartlipo therefore results in a less traumatic removal of the fat. It also helps with tissue tightening and firming as well. Unlike other types oflaser lipolysis, Smartlipo has several safety features not found in other brands.
A word of caution, because of the changes in reimbursement by insurance companies many physicians, not trained and cosmetic surgery, started opening up body contouring and liposculpture centers claiming expertise in those specific areas after a weekend course.
Make sure that the physician performing your liposculpture, or laser body contouring procedure is properly trained and certified in plastic surgery and not in radiology, family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, or pathology, for example.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Can Lipo Laser Treat Cellulite?

Although Lipo Laser will remove fat and tighten skin, it does not typically reduce cellulite.
Cellulite is a genetic, hormonal, lifestyle related problem and there are no quick easy fixes. The best treatment is still a slow treatment. Velashape, smoothshape, Endymed, and others out there can make small subtle improvements. 
In fact, no current technology or procedure has been shown to treat cellulite and provide predictable and permanent results.Although there is no definitive cure for cellulite,lipo laser can offer some improvement because it eliminates fat.
Some areas of cellulite have improved with Lipo Laser but it is not the rule. lipolaser can tend to try to go too close to the skin to cause skin tightening but actually can cause skin dimpling, irregularities and even skin burns. It is not worth the risk of problems if cellulite is your main concern but it is much cheaper than most tumescent liposuctions and for obvious reasons. 
Lipo Laser can help to reduce the fat deposits and break up some of the fibrous bands,thereby smoothing the skin and eliminating or reducing dimples. But in some cases, the results are not predictable. If Lipo Laser is not done properly or if it’s done very superficial, it can cause irregularities that can be hard to fix.

Is Photodynamic Therapy a Good Acne and Rosacea Treatment?

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) has proven to be an excellent treatment for acne and rosacea. PDT uses a medication called Levulan (aminolevulinic acid) and a light source such as red or blue light to activate the medication. 
photodynamic therapy usually takes 4 treatments at 2 weeks apart. 8 aminolevulinic acid ( Levulan) solution is applied to the skin for 45 minutes then a blue light is applied for 15-20 minutes. It is totally painless and very effective. You do look quite red for 2-3 days but it is so worth it.
pdt photodynamic therapy works in a rather subtle manner. The bacteria that is incriminated as playing a villain role in acne produces a chemical called porphyins. The blue light is attracted to these porphyrins and zaps not only the porphyrins but the nearby bacteria. The 8 amino-levulinic acid is absorbed into the porphyrins and gives the blue light an extra punch. PDT used in this manner is about as effective as a good antibiotic. 
pdt treatment makes acne prone skin better by helping to shrink oil glands, minimizing colonies of bacteria responsible for acne and thereby making conventional acne therapy work even better. Alternating red and blue light for a series of 8 treatments over 4 weeks is effective even without Levulan. Topical retinoids and salicylic acid can be helpful in conjunction with this regimen. Best results are achieves several weeks after the series of treatments.
photodynamic therapy pdt works really well and seems to have lasting effects in many. It can also help with rosacea, and depending on the light source used, can also help with the redness.
Treatments are spaced out a month apart and require 2-3 to make a difference. Staying away from bright light sources, e.g. sunlight, bright indoor lighting, computer screen, would be advisable for the first 48 hours. 
Generally, if other treatments have failed for acne or rosacea, blue light and levulan can be tried with the understanding that it may not work and it is an off label use of an approved treatment.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How is Blue Light Different than PDT?

Blue Light therapy and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) are both effective therapies for the treatment of acne. However, they are often confused with each other. Blue Light therapy and PDT both use a blue LED light as a major part of the treatment process. So what is the difference between blue light therapy and PDT?
blue light therapy utilizes a blue LED light, which is focused directly on the skin for a set amount of time. Blue LED light is proven to be antibacterial and to reduce the acne-causing p. acnes bacteria on the skin. Because blue light frequencies effectively destroy bacteria, many dermatologists report patients treated with narrow-band blue light show significant improvement in acne conditions. blue light treatment is sometimes combined with red light therapy, with decreases inflammation on the skin.
photodynamic therapy pdt is a procedure that uses a photosensitizing drug to apply light therapy selectively to target pre-skin cancer, acne and sun damage. PDT uses blue LED light in a different way. A light-sensitizing medication, called aminolevulinic acid, is applied to the skin and allowed to absorb into the follicles. The blue LED light is then used to activate the medication. This process not only kills the acne-causing bacteria, but it decreases excess sebum (oil) production on the skin. pdt treatment is one of the few acne treatments that can actually decrease the activity of the sebaceous glands (the oil producing glands). Besides blue light, multiple different light sources can be used including red light, intense pulsed light, pulsed dye laser and some others.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is the most recent advance in acne therapy. Apart from acne, PDT can be used to treat many other skin conditions such as sun-damage, pre-cancer and even some types of skin cancer.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Does Laser Lipo Work For Fat and Cellulite Removal

Summer is a time when millions of women resume diet and exercise in an attempt to refine their bodies in advance of beach holidays. It is also a time when many seek professional help to tone up difficult areas of fat or cellulite which seem resistant to all efforts.
Because fat and cellulite is a condition that most women already know and want it away from their bodies, business people have searched as many ways to help women get rid of fat and cellulite. Women are the ones that really make a massive effort to remove cellulite. These days there are many ways to reduce cellulite, which of them more or less efficient, expensive or painful. You can use treatments like Endermologie or Velashape and the latest technology for cellulite reduction is laser cellulite removal.
Laser Lipo treatment is a new method and generally effective at reducing cellulite. This treatment is also known as Lipo Laser, and it represents the use of the laser light to areas affected by fat and cellulite. Light beam penetrates the skin until the fat tissue, where the laser differentiates the cells and the blood vessels and it regulates the blood circulation.
One fat and cellulite removal option is called vela shape. This treatment uses light and bi-polar radiofrequency to try to smooth out and firm up the look of rippled and dimpled tissue caused by cellulite. VelaShape combines Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF), Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage.In clinical studies, patients lost an average of one inch per treatment series. The range of circumferential reduction was anywhere from o.5 to 3 inch.
The lipo laser treatment is similar with Velashape, but there are some major differences. This technique uses the laser beam as a massage instrument instead of some simple mechanical rollers. 
Like on Velashape treatment, some people will not get rid of cellulite with this procedure. Some patients are very satisfied with lipo laser cellulite treatment, but other patients do not see too much difference in the appearance of their skin affected by fat and cellulite. However, regardless of treatment that you follow, the diet and exercises, as well as your lifestyle,are essential in reducing fat and cellulite.
To prevent fat and cellulite to appear again on your body,after you did get rid of it with some good treatment, you need a healthy lifestyle and proper diet to maintain your body and you will save unnecessary expenses in the future.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How To Choose The Right Lipo Laser Machines

Non invasive laser lipo machine provides pain-free fat reduction and body firming. A number of the most substantial advantages are it reveals rapid obvious gains, along with the undeniable fact that non invasive laser lipo is entirely risk-free, with out any sort of pain, absolutely no needles without any recovery time! 
When the i lipo machine paddles are positioned on the skin, the cold red laser beams penetrate the skin strong enough to get at the layers of body fat. When the laser light hits the fat cells, an instant chain of activities occurs. First of all, the skin's pores develop around the cells making them discharge. The water, Glycerol as well as essential fatty acids shift to the interstitial area underneath the fatty covering within the skin. After that additional water, fatty acids and Glycerol pour out. The particular adipocyte cells consequently are reduced in proportion. Almost all these results will not influence on the adjacent components that consists of the skin, arterial blood vessels plus nerves. 
Choosing which laser lipo machine to purchase for the office can be as difficult for physicians as it is for patients. Each aesthetic office must balance out several factors and prioritize them to choose the best fit for their needs. Here are some tips to help you choose what's right for your aesthetic practice.
There are many different companies that provide different laser lipo units at different prices on the market. Get the one that works for your budget.
Examine the incidence of injuries with each lipo laser machine. Get the one that's the "least risky as possible in terms of thermal injury and ultimately. it's going to be you as the operator which is the most important feature.
Brand Name
There are several brands of this type of machine and the market is growing at an incredible rate because of the results that this type op treatment offers. Below are some popular brands on the market.
Strawberry Lipo is a high quality laser slimming machine and probably the one responsible for opening up the market due to this company’s vigorous high end marketing campaigns. The machine offers good results and the salon owners are generally well trained and know what they are doing. The product is simple to use and needs no specialist qualifications.
Smart Lipo is also a good product with a strong customer following based on quality and good results.
i-lipo laser is undoubtedly one of the market leaders, but it is also one of the most expensive machines and the price does not seem to be justified when you establish the fact that all of these machines work on exactly the same wavelength, so from a results perspective, they really don’t and cannot differ.
Lumislim is the newest and unquestionably best machine to hit the market. Lumislim differs from all of the others because it is the only machine that is manufactured to medical grade standards. All of the other machines are manufactured to consumer grade. Nothing wrong with that, it’s just that Lumislim is a much more robust and better built machine. It is built from high grade materials and put together with millimeter precision.
You can also opt for the lipo laser machine from China. They are aways sold at a affordable price. Some of them are of high quality. This offers several advantages for the salon owner as they are able to offer their clients this amazing treatment at a price which would appeal to a wider audience.

What is Laser Lipolysis?

Laser lipolysis, technically known as ‘laser-assisted lipolysis’, is a new form of liposuction which employs a laser to ‘melt’ fat enabling less downtime, smaller incisions, and generally better results. It can effectively reduce areas of fat resistant to diet or exercise whilst reducing the risks associated with traditional procedures such as liposuction.
The i-lipo machine for sale procedure is performed by delivering low-level laser energy - this selectively breaks up fat cells transforming them into an oily substance that is absorbed and eliminated by the body over the following weeks, or sucked out at the time of the procedure. In general, no fat is aspirated or “sucked out” of the body, however it has been noted that in some cases it can be more beneficial to the speed and results of the treatment for suction to be used. In addition, the i lipo machine for sale low level laser energy helps to stimulate collagen production in the skin resulting in skin tightening.
Laser Lipolysis is a liposculpture procedure that is generally more suitable for the removal of smaller stubborn pockets of fat such as 'saddlebags', 'love handles', and 'double chin' etc. i lipo machine can effectively reduce areas of fat resistant to diet or exercise whilst reducing the risks associated with traditional procedures such as liposuction.
A very thin cannula (1mm wide hollow metal tube) is pushed through a small incision in the skin. The laser probe is introduced into the cannula and laser light is then pulsed into the fatty tissue where the fat cells are transformed into an oily sludge-like substance or "debris” which is eventually eliminated by the body. Increasingly practitioners are offering aspiration or suction of the released fat after the laser lipolysis procedure to speed up and enhance results achieved with this i-lipo machine procedure.
The length of the treatment depends on how many areas you’re having treated, and whether or not suction is included - but generally the procedure takes between one and two hours. More often than not, one treatment session per area is considered to be enough, however it all depends on the amount of fat to be removed, and if it is felt that the final result (after 4 – 6 months) needs improving on or not.
The results are seen gradually over a number of weeks, though it may take up to six months for the maximum effects to be seen. This is because your body continues to process and naturally remove any released fat remaining from the lipo laser machine procedure until none is left. However, right from day one most people can feel the treated area(s) as already having less fat when squeezed between the fingers.
In addition, because the laser releases heat when it is fired, it results in gradual skin contraction in the treated area, so you are not left with loose skin once the fat has disappeared.

How Does i Lipo Laser Work?

Lipolysis is the process of targeting stored fat in fat cells. i Lipo Laser treatments result in the instant breakdown of fat cells.
ilipo works by emitting low levels of laser energy which creates a chemical reaction in the fat cells that are being targeted. This signal then breaks down the cell membranes and the contents of the fat cells which are made up of free fatty acids, glycerol and water are released and drained away by the lymphatic system, to different tissues in your body where hey will be burned off during exercise. The glycerol that is released goes to the liver where it will be used to make sugar.
This is a very natural and essential process that your body would usually undergo itself in order to function properly, it is doing exactly the same job as your body would, because the body takes in fuel (calories) which the body then converts into energy, and stores this energy as triglycerides in the fat cells, which are then released when your body thinks it needs to be. Sometimes however, the body stores too much energy than needs to be stored, which results in weight gain, so i lipo laser targets this excess energy by stimulating the body to carry out its natural process of releasing the stored fat in the fat cells.
Laser energy penetrates and stimulates the targeted fat cells, these fat cells then release their contents. So nothing unnatural happens during i Lipo, and there is no damage to any of the surrounding structures including, blood vessels, peripheral nerves or skin. The treatment is very safe and the technology has been studied and used for 30 years, and has been on the world market since 2007. The treatment is totally non invasive and is nothing like traditional liposuction which is very invasive and i-lipo laser which is slightly invasive, there is no down time, no surgeons are required, no anaesthesia local or general, and because there is no incision there is absolutely no risk of infection.
It's a very straightforward process, first of all before the treatment can begin you will have to fill in a medical questionnaire and a consultation form which have to be completed and signed and the areas to be treated will have to be measured. You must avoid food and fluids 2 hours before treatment begins in order to get the best results.
4 laser pads are then placed on the chosen areas, and 2 smaller lipo laser machine diodes are placed over the lymphatic glands, these laser diodes are held in place by your clothing or tape, each treatment will then take 20 minutes.
You will feel no pain, in fact you may find the process very relaxing, you may also feel a warming sensation in the chosen area, just lay back, relax and look forward to a brand new you.
Afterwards the treated areas are measured and recorded to access what is the achieved weight loss, studies have shown that there is a 30% reduction of fat layer depth after just one treatment of best lipo laser machine, and 2 – 4 cm can be removed from around your abdomen in just one treatment also. Then you will have to do a little light exercise to burn off the stored fat that has been released, and that's it you can go home or back to work straight away, with no pain, bleeding, discomfort, soreness or bruising.
Since there is no surgery, there is no way to "suck the fat out". So it must leave the patient's body via urination. Thus, multiple (4-8) treatments are usually required. A total of 8 treatments is recommended, 2 treatments every week for 4 weeks but you can have more if you want to, the more treatments you have the better the results.But the patient feels nothing! There is no down time! And the costs are a fraction of surgical Liposuction!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal works if you go to a reputable place that purchases and knows how to use the correct lasers on each individual. 
The most effective laser hair removal treatments occur when the hair is dark black or brown and the hair is in it's active growth state. Multiple treatments are required and are usually spaced anywhere from 3-6 weeks apart. Each body part has a different growth rate so if you are treating several areas at the same time you many need to stagger appointments to capture that optimum growth state. 
The laser is only able to disable the hair follicle when it’s in the anagen (growth) phase. If the full shaft of the hair is removed prior to treatment there is no conduit for the laser light to reach the hair root. Shaving or clipping is the best way to maintain active hair growth. 
Finally not all laser hair removal machine and facilities are created equally. There is not a one size fits all method of treatment and a weekend seminar does not make a technician an expert. Lasers come in all different wavelength. Depending on your skin type and hair color one may be better for you than another. Lasers are very powerful and can cause damage. 
laser hair treatment is only effective on hair with a dark root and it will not work on red, blonde or white hair. Dark hair, or hair with a dark root will respond favorably to laser hair removal. However, different lasers need to be used depending on the skin type. Light skin responds best with the Alexandrite laser. darker skin requires a different laser. The long pulsed nd yag laser has been proven safest and most effective for people with dark skin. There are also lasers that are "all-in-ones", meaning that this one laser performs skin rejuvenation, leg vein removal, and hair removal. Most of these lasers do not work as well as a laser that was made specifically to target one thing.
Different body areas grow at different speeds. At least two weeks prior to your lazer hair removal treatment, make sure you have no sun exposure to the area that’s being treated, we want you to be as close to your baseline color as possible. 
Laser hair removal works but there are some guidelines that patients must be aware of to optimize their treatments and ultimately the long term success. First, contrary to popular belief a successful treatment course is not based on 100% removal of all hair for the remainder of ones life time. Also not all hair colors can be treated will high efficacy. laser hair removal machine for sale can permanently reduce the growth of hair by 90%, and some patients have complete permanent hair removal. Five to seven sessions are necessary for optimal results. Each session is spaced out 4 to 6 weeks apart. Being consistent with your sessions are very important! 
The best candidates will have hair that has some color and coarseness to it. Very fine hair, red hair, blond hair and gray hair are red flags for laser hair removal because your hair needs some color and density for the procedure to work well.

What's the Best Hair Removal Treatment?

A wide variety of medical lasers and light systems are used to remove unwanted hair, however most lasers are not effective for all skin types and hair colors. 
laser hair removal equipment for sale is safe, effective, and more efficient and cost-effective in the long run. There are several lasers which can be used for Laser hair removal: Alexandrite, Diode,or Yag. The darker the hair the lighter the skin the better the laser works. It is important to use the right laser or light source for your skin type. The Alexandrite (755nm) and NdYag (1064nm) are generally considered the best lasers for Laser hair removalt. For darker skin types, the best lasers are the Long-Pulsed Nd:Yag lasers (1064nm) and diode laser hair removal for sale. The Alexandrite laser (755nm) is generally the most effective, but since it is attracted by pigment so well, darker skin types (Indian, African Americans) cannot normally be treated with this laser. 
laser hair removal machines for sale is generally the most effective, efficient, safest, and ultimately cheapest option for unwanted hair. Hair needs to have some color (pigmented) for LHR to be effective. Blonde, Grey, peach fuzz, and even most Red hair will not respond to LHR. For these types of hair, electrolysis may be best.
As long as the hairs being treated have color (pigment), the treatment will be effective. Laser hair removal is expensive, but when you consider that the results are long-lasting if not permanent, there is a huge cost savings long-term.laser hair removal machine for sale also is less irritating to the skin than shaving, waxing or electrolysis. 
For large portions of the body, laser is the way to go. It is efficient and does a great job of hair reduction. Laser Hair Removal generally works really well for pigmented hair. Electrolysis is only recommended for hair that does not respond to laser such as blonde or gray hair. IPL is not an effective device for permanent hair removal, but it still offers some reduction and is safer for darker skin types.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Electrolysis Vs Laser Hair Removal

A wide variety of medical lasers and light systems are used to remove unwanted hair. Laser hair removal and Electrolysis are the two technologies that offer you lasting reduction in hair growth. 
Electrolysis is a method for hair removal in which a fine needle is placed deep in the hair follicle to destroy the follicle via electrical current. Electrolysis uses electrical energy to create a thermal and chemical injury to mature hair follicles. When done professionally, this can result in lasting hair growth reduction. 
However, this method is uncomfortable and slow. It typically takes months and frequent visits for treatment, even for small areas like the upper lip. Electrolysis is extremely operator dependent and the success in achieving hair removal is variable among patients making it impractical in terms of treating large areas. Only mature (larger) hair follicles can be treated, the process is tedious and there is some potential for damage to the skin surface that may cause scarring. 
laser hair removal equipment for sale create a beam of highly concentrated light that penetrates deep into the skin where it delivers a controlled amount of therapeutic heat. This light energy is absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, just long enough to destroy numerous follicles Laser hair removal can effectively disable hair with follicles (hair shafts) of many different sizes. Less damage to the skin surface occurs newer technologies and very careful technique.
laser hair removal machines for sale is much better than electrolysis for numerous reasons. A laser can cover large areas that are just not practical to treat with electrolysis because electrolysis is a technique that literally treats one hair at a time. For very small zones, light colored hair, sparsely located coarse hairs on delicate areas or hairs associated with moles that are not going to be removed, electrolysis is still a primary strategy. 
On the other hand, laser hair removal machine for sale requires dark brown or black hair to be effective. Electrolysis is color blind. For thick, dark hair -- on any skin type -- lasers will be faster and less costly because many hairs are treated simultaneously. For fine, blond, red or gray hair, lasers will not be effective and electrolysis is a good option.
If you have dark skin or light hair, you can’t rely on standard laser hair removal for safety issues or to give you optimal results on your face. Electrolysis may then be your only option. But if you have light skin and dark facial hair then you can choose between either option. Laser is the generally the less expensive of the two and requires less time and treatments. Laser might be your better choice if you would be happy with most of the hair being removed, or the hair being finer and lighter.