Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How To Choose The Right Lipo Laser Machines

Non invasive laser lipo machine provides pain-free fat reduction and body firming. A number of the most substantial advantages are it reveals rapid obvious gains, along with the undeniable fact that non invasive laser lipo is entirely risk-free, with out any sort of pain, absolutely no needles without any recovery time! 
When the i lipo machine paddles are positioned on the skin, the cold red laser beams penetrate the skin strong enough to get at the layers of body fat. When the laser light hits the fat cells, an instant chain of activities occurs. First of all, the skin's pores develop around the cells making them discharge. The water, Glycerol as well as essential fatty acids shift to the interstitial area underneath the fatty covering within the skin. After that additional water, fatty acids and Glycerol pour out. The particular adipocyte cells consequently are reduced in proportion. Almost all these results will not influence on the adjacent components that consists of the skin, arterial blood vessels plus nerves. 
Choosing which laser lipo machine to purchase for the office can be as difficult for physicians as it is for patients. Each aesthetic office must balance out several factors and prioritize them to choose the best fit for their needs. Here are some tips to help you choose what's right for your aesthetic practice.
There are many different companies that provide different laser lipo units at different prices on the market. Get the one that works for your budget.
Examine the incidence of injuries with each lipo laser machine. Get the one that's the "least risky as possible in terms of thermal injury and ultimately. it's going to be you as the operator which is the most important feature.
Brand Name
There are several brands of this type of machine and the market is growing at an incredible rate because of the results that this type op treatment offers. Below are some popular brands on the market.
Strawberry Lipo is a high quality laser slimming machine and probably the one responsible for opening up the market due to this company’s vigorous high end marketing campaigns. The machine offers good results and the salon owners are generally well trained and know what they are doing. The product is simple to use and needs no specialist qualifications.
Smart Lipo is also a good product with a strong customer following based on quality and good results.
i-lipo laser is undoubtedly one of the market leaders, but it is also one of the most expensive machines and the price does not seem to be justified when you establish the fact that all of these machines work on exactly the same wavelength, so from a results perspective, they really don’t and cannot differ.
Lumislim is the newest and unquestionably best machine to hit the market. Lumislim differs from all of the others because it is the only machine that is manufactured to medical grade standards. All of the other machines are manufactured to consumer grade. Nothing wrong with that, it’s just that Lumislim is a much more robust and better built machine. It is built from high grade materials and put together with millimeter precision.
You can also opt for the lipo laser machine from China. They are aways sold at a affordable price. Some of them are of high quality. This offers several advantages for the salon owner as they are able to offer their clients this amazing treatment at a price which would appeal to a wider audience.

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