Sunday, July 6, 2014

How is Cool Lipo different from Smart Lipo?

Smartlipo and Cool Lipo are laser lipolysis devices that virtually do the same which is to melt fat and to tighten the skin. They both use the minimally invasive techniques and have small fibers. 
Smart Lipo was the first of the two procedures to be approved by the FDA and it was FDA approved in 2006. the Cool Lipo was FDA approved in 2008. 
The difference is the different wavelength.The Smartlipo uses a 1064, 1320, and 1440 wavelengths while the cool lipo uses the 1320 wavelength. Theoretically, the higher you go in terms of wavelength, the higher the heat and the more skin tightening. However, this has not been well studied. In addition, however, when you go higher you do have a higher chance of burning the skin.
Both Cool Lipo and Smart Lipo are safe and effective in non invasive body contouring as well as tightening skin. Both procedures are FDA approved, use only local anesthesia, and can be done more than one time if a patient wishes to have a touch-up in a certain area. Although both procedures break down fat and tighten skin, they cannot guarantee the disappearance of cellulite or that patients will not accumulate fat again. A healthy lifestyle should be combined with either of these high-tech procedures.
Clinical studies are presently being performed to see if there is a unique advantage of one system over the other. At this time there is no head to head studies to show that one system is better than the other.

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