Sunday, November 30, 2014

What is the Lipo Laser Treatment?

lipolaser treatments are a series of painless, non-surgical treatments by a laser overlying the body areas you want reduced. It is an alternative to liposuction, which reduces inches with no pain, no surgery and no downtime. 
lipo laser is a low level laser therapy which is currently being used as an the treatment for fat removal. It proposes to melt fat across the skin without actually doing any liposuction on the patient. The treatments do not cause any discomfort. The results can vary depending on the individual. 
The laser energy is tuned down to provide photonic stimulation only and is not a heat generating laser. Think of the different effects of photons stimulating plant cells to produce energy versus the heat of the Sun focused through a magnifying glass. The lipolaser results are not a result of thermal damage. The fat cells do not "melt", but respond by releasing excess lipids through a pore in the cell membrane. Because the cells are not damaged as the lipids are released, there is no apparent inflammatory reaction, and results are seen within several weeks.
Liposuction gives by far a greater improvement and is easy to go through and has a quick recovery time but may not fit into your schedule or budget right now. Lipo Laser is an alternative that many are finding helpful and worthwhile. 
Lipo Laser treatments are supposed to work on everyone regardless of weight including obese people. Lipo Laser PZ809 is an alternative to liposuction for those who want to completely avoid an invasive procedure and risk. It's the perfect way to lose stubborn body fat from: neck, love handles, arms, hips, back/bra‐line, thighs, tummy/waistline and knees. Patients are losing between 3.6 to 5.5 inches and many are seeing even greater results when combined with a sensible diet and exercise program.
This may be significant for many patients and since there is no pain nor any down time, many patients are now enjoying the results. Some even are going through a 2nd series to get further improvements and some have noticed an improvement in their cellulite which is an added benefit since not much works on cellulite usually.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How Is The Effectiveness of IPL Hair Removal?

With the advancement in technology in laser hair removal over the last several years, it is not a surprise that there is confusion about what works best to get the optimum results you are looking for as a patient. 
ipl and lasers can both be used for hair removal. Both treatments produce energy in order to interrupt the growth cycle of the hair follicles to reduce hair growth without damaging the surrounding tissue. 
IPL intense pulsed light is highly concentrated pulses of light of many different colors (wavelengths). It is effective against hair because some of the wavelengths of light delivered are absorbed by the tissue and result in follicular heating and destruction.
Laser is light of only one wavelength or color. It is collimated which means all the rays of light are parallel and not scattered as with IPL. If the wavelength of the laser light beam matches what the target tissue (the hair follicle) will absorb, then you are using all your available light energy for the purpose desired and so it is more efficient. there are many different wavelengths of light used for lazer hair removal.
IPL is safer for darker skin types but it takes longer to achieve permanent results. Diode lasers are usually very effective and work best on light skin and dark hair. They also require less treatments.
intense pulsed light hair removal is least effective and has the most side effects for darker skin types because it does not have the correct wavelength range (1064 nm) to effectively treat this skin. 
The most effective types of lasers for permanent hair removal are Diode and Alexandrite (light skinned patients) and Long Pulsed Nd:Yg (dark skinned patients). 
Nd-Yag 1064, Alexandrite 755 and Diode 800 but there are many more types for different purposes. Some lasers are best for darker skinned patients to reduce the risk of pigmentation problems. Some lasers are faster for hair removal than others. 
There are laser hair removal devices safe and effective for all skin colors. The Alexandrite laser is safest and most effective for light to medium toned skin and the Long pulsed nd yag is most effective and safest for darker skin types. IPL has never been shown to be as effective as these lasers for hair removal and can potentially cause significant damage to the skin.

Monday, November 17, 2014

HIFU: An Good Alternative To Facelift

HIFU can be a good alternative for patients who are looking for non-surgical alternatives to facelift. HIFU is a non-invasive treatment, which requires very little to no recovery time. 
hifu technology uses ultrasound energy which penetrates very deeply and uniformly into the skin and underlying connective tissue resulting in a nonsurgical lifting and tightening of the skin. This high intensity Ultrasound creates small thermal coagulation points which sets off a response in which collagen is remodeled and new collagen is grown. This helps with the contour and tightness of the areas treated. 
hifu therapy affect the collagen generation at a fairly deep level so the collagen renewal you get from the procedure has some significant staying power. But you won't stop aging and you can't prevent collagen breakdown. This means eventually you will require another treatment to provide another collagen-inducing event.
The biggest factor in how long your hifu lifting will last is how robustly your body responds to collagen stimulation. Aging never stops. There is a continuous cycle of collagen breakdown and generation. As we age that cycle leans heavier on the breakdown events instead of the generation.
The duration of the effect that hifu procedure has on tightening and lifting is expected to be more than one year based on new collagen growth, not just tightening the connective tissue.The results can last anywhere from 1-3 years before needing to re-treat in order to maintain results. The longevity of the results depends on your body’s ability to produce, maintain and breakdown collagen.
hifu facial treatment can be repeated in 6 to 12 months. Collagen typically takes this long to develop so waiting this long between treatments will allow you to better assess how much improvement you got in order to determine if repeating HIFU is necessary and or/worth the investment. 
There is no downtime with HIFU and no "recovery time" unless you took prescription medications to help with the pain management during the procedure. In that case, you would have limitations on your activities such as driving until the medication had worn off.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

How To Maintain The Result Of HIFU Lifting Treatment

HIFU is a non-surgical procedure which delivers focused ultrasound to a specific depth in the skin and deeper connective tissue. 
hifu focuses ultrasound energy like a magnifying glass focuses the sun’s energy. HIFU treats facial tissue only at the focus point, all the surrounding tissue is unharmed. The treated tissue stimulates the body to produce new collagen over 90 days. It is this new collagen formation that smooths, tightens and lifts the face.
While hifu facialtreatment is an excellent treatment for firming, lifting and tightening the face, it does not affect the skin surface. Aging changes to the skin such as pigment and vascular changes are best treated with other types of treatment. In addition, the best candidates for HIFU are those that have mild to moderate facial laxity. HIFU does not replace surgical management for those who have significant skin laxity or excessive fat underneath the skin, nor does HIFU eliminate the need for Botox? and fillers.
The sensation of HIFU is a momentary prickling and heating. Discomfort is gone immediately after treatment. Pain medication is not needed after the treatment.
The best candidates for hifu therapy are those that have mild to moderate facial laxity. Because HIFU generates a natural appearing improvement over 3 months, patients that want a discrete improvement without external signs of treatment should consider the procedure. It is also best suited for patients that desire aesthetic improvement but do not have the luxury of the several weeks of downtime associated with other cosmetic procedures. 
hifu procedure takes several months to see the end result. If you have a good collagen framework, then you may find you get the expected result of a gentle lift all around the treated areas. Once the skin and tissue tightening effects have plateaued, you will still face realities that we continue to age. 
Factors that can accelerate the aging process include excessive sun exposure and smoking. Be sure to maintain healthy skin care habits (sun screen, skin care, wearing hats, avoiding sun during high UV index, etc.). You may maintain the results for more than year.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Can HIFU Lifting Treatment Really Get Rid of Under-chin Sag?

Under-chin sag can be from redundant skin and loose muscle or from sub-mental fat. hifu can not provide the same excellent result as a surgical neck lift for sagging skin. However, compared to other non-invasive devices, it can lift and tighten skin.If there is mild laxity and not much fat under the chin, HIFU may likely be your answer. 
hifu technology utilizes focused ultrasound energy to heat the underlying SMAS tissues and create tiny injuries here thus sparking off a healing response that encourages collagen formation and tightening. Skin tightening and increased collagen production will occur with HIUF treatment to the chin area. The treatment can take between one to three hours depending on the extent of areas treated.
hifu therapy is best used for the brow, forehead, mid and lower face, jawline, jowls, under chin and neck regions. It is the best nonsurgical alternative to a facelift. It is important to know, however, that it does not give the results of a facelift or necklift but then again you're not having to go through surgery. It truly is noninvasive with no downtime or recovery time. 
The visible results depends much on the amount of loose skin and fat present under the chin. Most patients have results after one treatment but can have even better results if they go through a second treatment. 
hifu lifting treatment can't do what a surgical procedure can do. If there is a collection of fat under the chin which many normal weight people can have, then you may be a candidate for a combination procedure of liposuction and HIFU to the area under your chin. In the case of severe excess skin, a neck lift is an option to consider.
It is important to have a personal consultation with your physician. It is very important to understand and have clear expectations about what HIFU can do to help your particular issue.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Non invasive Body Contouring With Lipo Laser PZ809

The Lipo Laser PZ809 is a new technology for non invasive fat removal and body contouring. Lipo Laser treatment offers an alternative to a shapelier figure without having to endure the fear, and sometimes painful process of a surgical procedure.
Lipo Laser PZ809 is specially designed for non-invasive body contouring. It emits low levels laser energy and targets subcutaneous fat with its patented technology. The laser is applied externally and has proven to emulsify adipose tissue at specific locations. This does not affect the neighboring structures such as skin, blood vessels, and peripheral nerves. 
During best laser lipo machine treatment, water glycerol & free fatty acids are released into the interstitial space between the cells and absorbed by the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is your body’s natural drainage system. When combined with oxygen, the free fatty acids also produce energy. Glycerol is also converted by the liver into glucose, another energy source.
To help your body retain the immediate fat loss from treatment, it is important to stimulate the lymphatic system through mild activity so that excess fat can be passed through the body during its normal course of detoxification. Patients can encourage lymph drainage through whole body vibration training for 10 minutes immediately following each laser lipo slimming treatment. It is recommended to drink plenty of water after treatment to further assist the body’s natural cleansing process. 
As with any procedure, after completion of treatment results will vary from patients to patients. The most immediately noticeable results are often shown on individuals who exercise (or have exercised) regularly, are not obese and/or who have localized fat deposits that they cannot get rid of with diet or exercise.
beat lipo laser machine PZ809 is non-invasive with no harmful side effects & unlike other procedures allows the patient to continue their daily activities without interruptions from surgery, pain, or wounds.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Deep SMAS Skin Tightening With HIFU Lifting Treatment

As we age, the SMAS loosens and the soft tissue and muscles it encases droop, causing the telltale signs of aging on the face and neck. By deeply heating this SMAS layer, HIFU treatment encourages collagen growth and tightening of the tissue on the face, neck, and brows, creating a visible lift.
hifu is a relatively new, innovative procedure that uses ultrasound technology to penetrate deeply into the skin, affecting a connective tissue layer called the SMAS. It utilizes ultra focused ultrasound energy waves to tighten the SMAS layer of the skin at both the 3mm and 4mm depth. HIFU helps the body produce more collagen and the deep focused ultrasound produces tightening of the deep supportive connective tissue of the face.
hifu therapy is considered a natural skin tightening alternative because it works with your body’s natural healing process. The HIFU machine infuses “seeds” of thermal coagulated heat into multiple layers of the skin causing micro-wounds. As your skin heals, new collagen is formed which then tightens the skin. 
Generally you can expect anywhere from a 20% to 30% improvement after one hifu facial treatment. Many patients opt for continuous treatments to maintain their results. The treatment time for an HIFU treatment can range from 30 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the area being treated. There is no down-time, although you will experience swelling, possible bruising and tenderness, you can return to your daily routine immediately after the treatment.
Although many patients see immediate lifting results, the ultimate results do not happen overnight, but gradually over time. It can take up to 2-3 months for optimal rejuvenation. 
An important aspect of this hifu procedure is having realistic expectations about the results. It is not ever going to produce the amount of lifting that a surgical facelift will accomplish. However, with little to no downtime, a one hour procedure can produce a global facial rejuvenation with tightening.
HIFU is ideal for patients between 35 to 60. Older patients and those with excessively loose skin will benefit from either laser therapy or surgical face lifting.

Meet Us at CosmoProfAsia 2014 in Hong Kong

The 19th Cosmoprof Asia, the definitive beauty trade event in the Asia Pacific region, is set to open with a diverse range of exhibitors during 12-14 November 2014 (Wednesday - Friday) in Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. We will be present this big event in Hong Kong this November.

Cosmoprof Asia is the most important beauty trade show in Asia Pacific, representing the ideal platform for high-quality business-to-business activities for all beauty companies. More than two thousand exhibitors from every facet of the beauty industry experience the business potential of Cosmoprof Asia, and make it an integral part of their strategy every year. 2014 is set to be even bigger.
Fair Name Cosmoprof Asia
Edition 19th
Fair Details 12-14 November 2014 (Wednesday - Friday)
Opening Hours 09:30 - 18:30 (Daily)
Venue Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Booth No. Hall 3E-M7F
We invite you to visit us at our stand at Hall 3E-M7F and meet our professional, enthusiastic team to find out more about our products.

Tel/Fax:+86 371 55677886

The Pros and Cons of HIFU and Thermage for Skin Tightening

hifu and Thermage both work to non-invasively stimulate collagen to create lifting and tightening of the skin. HIFU uses ultrasound technology, whereas Thermage uses radiofrequency. Thermage uses radiofrequency to heat up the deep skin.
hifu therapy is a safe and effective non-invasive ultrasound treatment that can lift and tighten facial skin and muscle without downtime. HIFU uses focused ultrasound to treat the skin by increasing collagen in the skin and creating lifting, firming and tightening effects. It can successfully treat the lines along the upper lip that are most difficult to treat with injectables.
hifu machine reliably places energy in the dermis and SMAS layer. The energy is always above the critical temperature to cause tissue contraction and collagen formation. Depending on the patients needs HIFU can target up to three layers of skin, 1.5 mm,3mm, and 4.5 mm in depth. Thermage only targets tightening. 
Thermage is a radio frequency technology device that heats the skin and subcutaneous tissue superficially. Thermage is very unreliable in it’s placement of energy through the skin and therefore it’s results are very unreliable. 
Although Thermage has been improved over the years, it's main problems have been a very high patient dissatisfaction rate and a very painful patient experience. HIFU can cause discomfort as well, but if patients are enduring pain, they appreciate a result that they can notice. Patients can be given oral medications or local anesthetic nerve block injections if needed, but the majority of HIFU patients are able to tolerate a properly performed treatment with just a cold air blowing on their skin.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

How Many HIFU Treatments is Needed to Achieve the Best Results?

The number of HIFU treatments required for the best results varies with each patient. Age and the conditions of the skin play a major.
hifu technology uses highly focused ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen regeneration in the layers under the skin. Because HIFU uses highly focused ultrasound to stimulate collagen under the skin to remodel, it takes a few months to see the full effect. 
The results of hifu therapy depends on the condition of the persons skin, age, medical condition and response of their own body's fibrillates to the stimulus. In general this means the younger the patient, the better the results, and menopause is an important issue since the lower estrogen levels contribute to thinning of the skin. Thin skin means less collagen as a "target" so less response. 
Generally, single treatment is enough to achieve good result with hifu. Most patients with early skin laxity only require one treatment to achieve noticeable results. However, some may benefit from more than one treatment depending on how much laxity they have and their body’s own biological response to the ultrasound and collagen-building process.
Most people have one hifu lifting treatment if their condition is mild to moderate and may have another treatment in a year to two. If some one is in the moderate to sever condition of sagging lose skin another treatment can be performed 6 months after the first treatment! 
It is safe to repeat it at yearly intervals but more frequent than that isn't going to add additional benefit. As collagen typically takes 6 to 12 months to develop, you need to wait this long between treatments to determine if repeating HIFU is necessary.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Is HIFU Effective For Lifting Brows?

HIFU is a very effective treatment for lifting the brows. Its effectiveness will not be as dramatic as a surgical brow lift, but it is a great non-surgical option. 
hifu is a focused deeply penetrating ultrasound energy that without surgery can help provide a lift. It is targeted for lifting skin on the neck, under the chin, on the brow etc. Its effectiveness would not be expected to provide the same amount of a lift as a surgical brow lift, but without surgery it is impressive how much lifting some patients receive. 
By treating the forehead, hifu therapy can makes the skin across the forehead tightened and eye brows lifted, which help patients who no longer can have Botox injected for horizontal upper forehead lines as they suffer from dropped eyebrows because their skin has sagged so much over the years that they need to use their forehead muscle to keep up the skin of the upper eyelids.
Browlifts are done best with surgery-- not treatments. hifu technology does not provide the same degree of lifting as a surgical procedure. It is still an option for the patient who requires or desires a minimal or very moderate elevation of the lateral brow. 
It is a quick, walk-in and walk-out procedure with no down time. Patients may experience slight swelling after the procedure which disappears after a day, and tingling in the lateral forehead because of the large nerve bundles under the skin for about two weeks. 
HIFU uses hifu ultrasound energy to safely firm, tighten and actually lift the skin. It targets the deep supportive structures where aging begins. HIFU may provide benefits for younger patients that are looking to improve their facial appearance by sculpting their facial contours. 
HIFU does not work on all patients and those who have been very damaged by sun exposure and have lost a great deal of their skin's elasticity will not gain as much and sometimes, not any, benefit.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound vs Thermage for Skin Tightening

Non surgical skin tightening procedures are gaining increasing popularity these days, which makes use of one or more of the energy technologies like laser light, radio frequency, infra red light energy or ultrasound energy to heat the collage in deep skin layers to stimulate natural collagen production in the skin.
thermage treatment and HIFU are both popular treatments used for eliminating wrinkles on the face, neck or arms, loose skin that occurs after weigh loss on stomach and thighs, and loose skin after pregnancy etc. Both devices can cause collagen formation in the dermis to help tighten the facial features.
Thermage uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production. Thermage has applicators that are very small for use on eyelid skin and large ones for body sites such as arms, legs and abdomens. Its medium applicator is used for the face. HIFU has smaller and medium applicators but off facial sites are off-label and studies are ongoing. 
Thermage can achieve skin tightening results, but it is very difficult to predict whether the result will be substantial enough to produce a good result.
hifu uses focused deep ultrasound energy. HIFU is a very impressive device when it comes to results. HIFU is designed more for tightening of the deeper tissues as opposed to just the skin as with Thermage. Depending on the patients needs HIFU can target up to three layers of skin, 1.5 mm,3mm, and 4.5 mm in depth. Thermage only targets tightening. 
Both hurt but the discomfort is over when the energy is stopped from being delivered. These non-invasive techniques can help rejuvenate the skin tone but are not expected to give the same result as a facelift. They also do not improve the skin surface so don't expect wrinkles to be better. 
Overall, hifu therapy is better in facial jowl lifting, cheek lifting, forehead lifting and neck lifting than Thermage.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Can HIFU Lifting System Be Used On The Eyelids

HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) is a new technology for face lifting and skin tightening. HIFU is delivered into the deep skin and cause thermal coagulation to SMAS (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System). It can provide the skin tightening and rejuvenation happens gradually with the time.
hifu therapy can be used, to raise the brows and give the eyes a more open appearance, but the treatment cannot be performed on the upper lids or inside the orbital rim in order to protect your vision. However, it can be applied to the forehead and area directly above the brow to open the eye. It can also be applied to the cheekbone below the lower lid to smooth the transition between the eyelid and cheek, shortening that distance and rejuvenating the face.
hifu technology is a highly-recommended alternative to surgery, but don't expect to see maximum results for about three months. Though some patients may see some immediate improvement, it generally takes some time for the muscle and skin to form the collagen that causes the visual effects of the treatment. For most patients, 90 days or more are required for the best clinical result. Improvement continues for 6 months as new collagen is formed. 
Patients often see a subtle brow lift of 2-3 mm. If your brows are symmetrical and the treatment is applied symmetrically, you should have a symmetrical result. When your brows lift, the distance between the top of your open eyelid and your brow increases. This makes your eyelid appear less droopy or heavy or hooded. 
Also the hifu facial result, like the result from surgery, will depend upon a confluence of factors, including the patient's age, health, and the severity of the skin laxity at the time of treatment.