Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Deep SMAS Skin Tightening With HIFU Lifting Treatment

As we age, the SMAS loosens and the soft tissue and muscles it encases droop, causing the telltale signs of aging on the face and neck. By deeply heating this SMAS layer, HIFU treatment encourages collagen growth and tightening of the tissue on the face, neck, and brows, creating a visible lift.
hifu is a relatively new, innovative procedure that uses ultrasound technology to penetrate deeply into the skin, affecting a connective tissue layer called the SMAS. It utilizes ultra focused ultrasound energy waves to tighten the SMAS layer of the skin at both the 3mm and 4mm depth. HIFU helps the body produce more collagen and the deep focused ultrasound produces tightening of the deep supportive connective tissue of the face.
hifu therapy is considered a natural skin tightening alternative because it works with your body’s natural healing process. The HIFU machine infuses “seeds” of thermal coagulated heat into multiple layers of the skin causing micro-wounds. As your skin heals, new collagen is formed which then tightens the skin. 
Generally you can expect anywhere from a 20% to 30% improvement after one hifu facial treatment. Many patients opt for continuous treatments to maintain their results. The treatment time for an HIFU treatment can range from 30 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the area being treated. There is no down-time, although you will experience swelling, possible bruising and tenderness, you can return to your daily routine immediately after the treatment.
Although many patients see immediate lifting results, the ultimate results do not happen overnight, but gradually over time. It can take up to 2-3 months for optimal rejuvenation. 
An important aspect of this hifu procedure is having realistic expectations about the results. It is not ever going to produce the amount of lifting that a surgical facelift will accomplish. However, with little to no downtime, a one hour procedure can produce a global facial rejuvenation with tightening.
HIFU is ideal for patients between 35 to 60. Older patients and those with excessively loose skin will benefit from either laser therapy or surgical face lifting.

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