Thursday, November 6, 2014

Is HIFU Effective For Lifting Brows?

HIFU is a very effective treatment for lifting the brows. Its effectiveness will not be as dramatic as a surgical brow lift, but it is a great non-surgical option. 
hifu is a focused deeply penetrating ultrasound energy that without surgery can help provide a lift. It is targeted for lifting skin on the neck, under the chin, on the brow etc. Its effectiveness would not be expected to provide the same amount of a lift as a surgical brow lift, but without surgery it is impressive how much lifting some patients receive. 
By treating the forehead, hifu therapy can makes the skin across the forehead tightened and eye brows lifted, which help patients who no longer can have Botox injected for horizontal upper forehead lines as they suffer from dropped eyebrows because their skin has sagged so much over the years that they need to use their forehead muscle to keep up the skin of the upper eyelids.
Browlifts are done best with surgery-- not treatments. hifu technology does not provide the same degree of lifting as a surgical procedure. It is still an option for the patient who requires or desires a minimal or very moderate elevation of the lateral brow. 
It is a quick, walk-in and walk-out procedure with no down time. Patients may experience slight swelling after the procedure which disappears after a day, and tingling in the lateral forehead because of the large nerve bundles under the skin for about two weeks. 
HIFU uses hifu ultrasound energy to safely firm, tighten and actually lift the skin. It targets the deep supportive structures where aging begins. HIFU may provide benefits for younger patients that are looking to improve their facial appearance by sculpting their facial contours. 
HIFU does not work on all patients and those who have been very damaged by sun exposure and have lost a great deal of their skin's elasticity will not gain as much and sometimes, not any, benefit.

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