Sunday, March 2, 2014

Can Laser Lipo Give Permanent Weight Loss?

Laser Lipo is a nonsurgical plastic surgery alternative which is commonly called noninvasive liposuction. Laser Lipo is not the same as the procedure called cool sculpting. Cool sculpting uses cold temperatures to destroy fat cells beneath the skin, while Laser Lipo uses laser to emulsify the fat in the fat cells.

laser lipo machine for sale is accomplished by using a low level laser, which is also called cold laser. Cold laser Lipo is used on people who have about 10 to 15 pounds to lose. The procedure removes a little more fat than the cool sculpting procedure can do. There are a number of medical clinics that do Laser Lipo. Some use a specific Laser Lipo machine. Laser Lipo works differently than cool sculpting; it uses laser to open a pore into the fat cells. The pore in the fat cells is called a transitory pore. In essence, the laser causes a disruption in the membrane of the fat cell. The i-lipo machine for sale contents in the fat cell are emulsified (liquefied) and leak out of the transitory pore.

Subcutaneous fat (fat located under the skin) are bunched together in clusters. When full of fat, the clusters of fat resemble tiny grape clusters. When treated with dual wavelength laser lipo, the fat cells lose the liquefied fat, and begin to shrink. The emulsified fat is carried away by the lymphatic system over time.

It's important to remember that laser slimming machine creates an opening in the fat cells where the contents emulsify and drain out. The fat cells are not destroyed, as they are with a procedure like cool sculpting. It will be important to drink lots of fluids to help flush the broken down fat away through the lymphatic system. You will also need to consciously watch your diet, because the fat cells can fill up with fat again. 

Whether the results will be permanent will be up to you, because you will have the potential to gain weight in the treated area, if you aren't careful with your dietary intake.

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