Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What Are the Pros and Cons of Thermage?

Thermage is known for skin tightening, reducing fat and stimulating collagen production. Thermage is a technological breakthrough that harnesses the body’s own powers of healing and rejuvenation to create younger looking, more elastic and healthier looking skin with a completely non-invasive procedure. 
Using monopolar radio frequency devices is wonderful in theory, but less predictable in application. To have a device which can improve texture and tightening without ablation of tissue would be ideal. Thermage has shown to be effective in both, however the small percentage of people who experience these results makes this option less attractive to me and my patients.
Thermage uses radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin and give a lifted, tightened appearance. Many people are looking for a little skin tightening but do not yet need surgery. As a non-surgical treatment it appeals to those who cannot afford the several weeks of recovery after a surgical procedure or the expense or surgery, or do not want to assume the risks of a surgical procedure. 
The advantages of thermage micro needle facial is that it has less risk than a facelift, virtually no downtime and virtually no chance of bruising after the treatment. The disadvantages are that it can't give as perfect a result as surgery and there are risks, although of a small chance.
The pros of Thermage is that it is a one time procedure. There is no discomfort and no after care. It is a simple painless safe in office procedure to tighten the skin. It is especially useful around the face, eyes, and abdomen. 
There are some immediate results after the procedure, but for the ultimate improvement may take up to 6 months. thermage machine results usually last for about 18 months and maintenance treatments are necessary. 
The cons is that if you have poor skin laxity you may not be a good candidate. Surgery may be the only option if you are very wrinkled or have too much extra skin. There is some dependence on the operators skill. Burning has resulted, permanent hard spots (deep), discoloration, sensation changes. The most difficult to correct are irregularities in the contour. In other words, some areas may be sunken in while other areas may be high.
Side effects are rare but there is a chance of blistering or scabbing, when too much energy is delivered to the skin. Thermage is the best option for people who are not ready for surgery, but the results vary by individuals and cannot be predicted. 
Since the thermage machine for sale procedure is entirely non-invasive, there are no pre-treatment requirements and patients can return to normal activities immediately following the procedure. Thermage typically takes between 20 minutes and two hours, depending on how much skin surface is to be treated.
Results are long lasting, often tightening and improving patients’ skin appearance for years following treatment.

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