Monday, September 1, 2014

Best Cellulite Treatment Machines

Cellulite has always been very difficult to treat. There is no cure, nor one-time treatment that can get rid of cellulite but it can be improved.
Cellulite is caused by a number of factors, including the structure of the ligaments that tether the skin, abnormalities of the fat compartments, and thinning of the skin allowing the fat to bulge. The fact that it isn't a single cause makes it a very challenging condition to treat, and if there were a velashape cellulite treatment that was truly effective, everyone would know about it. 
Certainly creams and lotions are of no use especially when looking at the cost/benefit ratio and the fact that they are in no way permanent. Some people actually can get that after liposuction! Liposuction may help some people notice improvement but it most, the cellulite does not improve after liposuction. More aggressive procedures such as surgical subscision and fat injections are reported by some to improve the appearance and may not require multiple treatments but there is no guarantee of results and theoretically any surgical procedure can make it worse. 
Endermologie, Velashape, and Thermage have been used for cellulite, although the latter is not a maintenance treatment and most physicians would not promise any results with any of these treatments. 
Endermologie is a massage machine with two rollers that when rolled over the top layer of fat makes a fold. The benefits of endermologie are increased circulation, relief of muscular pain, reduction of muscle spasms and cellulite. Endermologie has been extensively studied and approved by the FDA to specifically make the claim that it does reduce cellulite.However, it does not permanently remove cellulite. Results can last anywhere from 6 months to year.
Velashape is much superior to Endermologie. This treatment has radio frequency and infrared, which allow the fat cells to open and release, and the rollers then smooth out the area. The combination of these energies increases the metabolism of stored energy, increases lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers. The net result is gradual smoothening of skin's surface with a noticeable reduction in cellulite.VelaShape require multiple treatments and maintenance treatments or everything returns back to the way it was. 
thermage machine provides the best non-surgical results for cellulite treatment and skin tightening. It uses radio frequency, which produces heat in the skin and the heat helps tighten it and improves the look of cellulite. The results have been excellent treatments in a short amount of time. Thermage is usually done as a solitary procedure and may help provide long lasting improvement but is not permanent as cellulite is a condition not a temporary affliction. Often, only one treatment is required, but some patients will need more.

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