Sunday, September 28, 2014

Get Best Results From Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment

Ultrasonic cavitation is a new, non-surgical fat removal procedure. Because there is no surgery and no anaesthesia, there is no hospital stay, no time off from work and no recovery time. Clients see immediate results and will continue to see results in the reduction of fat up to a week following the treatment.
The treatment uses cavitation technology which allows for non-surgical attack of inflexible fat deposits that no matter how much you diet and exercise, never seems to disappear. Unlike a traditional tummy tuck or liposuction, incavitation weight loss there are no knives, no anaesthesia and no surgery. The most common problem areas are the buttocks, abdomen, flanks (Love handles), saddle bags (thighs), upper arms, inner knees and male breasts. Body contouring offers a way to get your body back that requires no recovery times, leaves no scars and needs no anaesthesia.
Ultrasonic cavitation is the perfect treatment for women (or men) who want to contour their body and regain their confidence. Most clients see an immediate change in their appearance after the first session, with optimum results after 8 to 10 sessions. Whilst this is a non-surgical way to sculpt and contour your body, this is not a replacement to a healthy diet and regular exercise. ultrasonic cavitation treatments will help you get back your confidence and improve your body.
The next 48 hours after an Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment is crucial to the overall results. The fat that has been melted and released from the treated area now needs to be helped out of the body. It is important that on the day of the treatment and 48 hours after, you eat very healthily. Cutting out as much fatty foods and carbohydrates as possible. This will prevent your body from depositing excess fat.
To maximize lymph drainage and achieve the best results, a 5 minute session on the power plate after each ultrasonic fat cavitation treatment is recommended. You could also participate in aerobic exercise - i.e. walk or run on a treadmill or cycle. The longer the exercise, the more likely it is that the fat that was mobilized into the circulatory system will leave the body!
Also drinking plenty of water is essential before and after the treatment to help the fatty deposits leave the body the lymphatic system. There are plenty of benefits from drinking loads of water and should be included in your routine on a day to day basis. It improves your focus and energy levels. It’s very helpful in promoting weight loss by removing by- products of fat, reduces you’re eating intake and raises your metabolism making it very important in aiding your loss after the ultrasonic cavitation treatment.
Do not drink alcohol and do not binge eat. You may experience hunger cravings because a lot of fat has been metabolized and your body will not be used to that. Fight the hunger pains (if any) and stick to good eating habits. Avoid foods that are high in carbohydrate I.e pasta, bread & potatoes.
Watch your appetite as it maybe increased - DO NOT increase normal calories.
It’s advised at least 20 minutes per day of exercise for at least 48 hours after to eliminate the fat cells. The exercise doesn’t have to be anything intense it can be anything from walking to running. Exercise is very important for the body. Exercise increases the metabolic rate enabling to maintain your weight.
While 20 minutes is advised as a daily minimum it is beneficial to do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day. A fantastic way to burn off the excess fat that is shifted by the ultrasound fat cavitation treatment is to take up interval training or long term running. Bear in mind however that if you choose to go down the long term running route you might find yourself burning away some hard earned muscle as well as the fat you want to target.
Three ten minute periods of exercise can be just as effective if you reach the right intensity. It is all about how hard your heart is working and if you can maintain the right bpm (beats per minute) then you can expect to shift some of that unwanted weight.
When these measures of diet, exercise, and Ultrasonic Cavitation sessions are followed you can achieve results better than any one measure used alone.

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