Friday, September 19, 2014

New Noninvasive Body Sculpting Procedure: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound

HIFU, which is short for high intensity focused ultrasound, is a body sculpting technique to eliminate unwanted abdominal fat effectively reduces waist circumference, with only minor pain and side effects. high intensity focused ultrasound provides a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction for removing unwanted fat.
Traditional body sculpting approaches involving invasive surgery while being effective in improving body contours are hampered by the associated morbidity due to the invasive procedure and the risk of deleterious side effects. With advances in technology-assisted modern medicine, the focus in recent years has been on the development of noninvasive body sculpting methods. These appeal to a wider audience than more non invasive body contouring alternatives as they offer the advantages of reduced scarring, shorter procedure time, and markedly reduced recovery time and post-treatment complication.
Several minimally invasive body sculpting techniques involving the use of ultrasound, lasers, infrared light, radio frequency systems, either alone or in combination, and coupled with mechanical manipulation of the skin have demonstrated benefit in studies involving small patient cohorts. However, the majority of these minimally invasive procedures require multiple sessions while providing only short-lived benefits.
The hifu is an attractive alternative to more invasive procedures for body contouring that may appeal to patients resistant to surgical options. HIFU provides an alternative to liposuction for patients seeking treatment for small, localized fat deposits. The high-intensity ultrasound waves achieve localized destruction of fat at precise tissue depths, without damaging the skin or surrounding tissues. 
In HIFU, the focussed ultrasound waves are focused to a single point. Because the sound energy is so focused, the point gets very hot. So hot that it melts, or burns, the tissue that it is focused on. Fat is the most vulnerable so it is the fat that will melt first. The reaction that then develops produces inflammation (not infection) which then leads to new collagen formation and tightening. The result therefore is that the area treated will get smaller (fat destroyed) and lifted (tightening of the scar tissue that is formed).
hifu treatment can permanently destroy fat cells in the targeted area at the deep subcutaneous level. It can treat the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and even the dreaded love handles or “muffin tops”.
HIFU does not require general anesthesia and can be performed as an outpatient procedure thus substantially cutting treatment cost, recovery time, and decreasing the risk of side effects, complications, and patient discomfort.
HIFU permanently destroys targeted fat cells without harming the skin, and the body naturally processes and removes the fat tissue over a period of 8 to 12 weeks.

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